Chapter 1850, Guoqiang Caimin

Every member of the Snowy Brigade is very good. Their tactical experience and training experience are accumulated through long-term operations. After more than 40 days of training, each of them has made Ye Jian amazed.

T6 is wearing a delicate baby face, but once you take a sniper rifle on the tree, you can directly complete the exact sniper!

The long eagle and the scorpion are the scouts in the team. As long as they are targeted by the “prey” they can’t escape from their line of sight, and they can complete the reconnaissance in the shortest time.

After training with them and fighting together, Ye Jian always felt that he was full of energy.

Because, they are all examples of her learning on the road to the military!

The same group of “examples” struggle, she will not relax, do not want to be lazy, and always only be spurred.

“The navy has anti-reconnaissance, anti-landing, landing and landing, etc. as its main special mission. Your military skills and skills are incomparable to other arms. You have to limit the maritime operations before, and then move to a larger scale. The systematic operation of the three armies, with the power of the devil, I guess you will be a terrible sea force special team within three years.”

“The brothers of the storm team, I am very much looking forward to the establishment of the second amphibious special sharp knife unit. Your predecessor was identified as the emergency mobile combat force of the whole army in 1990. In case of emergency, it can be directly commanded by the General Staff. It is so powerful. For the predecessor, there should be a “amphibious” special sharp knife unit.”

“Now that everything is settled, I am looking forward to our next joint training. It will be very exciting to learn from each other.”

Just after J5 finished, Ye Xiaojian saw that Xia Jinyuan, who was calling from a distance, walked toward him and smiled at him. He took back his sight and put his mind on the talking J5 again.

Why did J5 say that he was looking forward to it? It was also the beginning of the early 1990s when someone in Taiwan tried to provoke China. Let us keep preparing for the sea, land and air from the second half of 1995.

From 1995 to 1996, there was another danger, and there was a South Bing, which took care of the situation there.

It also made the military and the top leaders of the General Assembly Hall more aware of the insufficiency of our amphibious forces.

Until 1998, he was transferred from the Nanguang Military Region to become another force of the Navy.

After that, the military requested the navy to launch an amphibious operation. When the time was ripe, it immediately issued an order and ordered the establishment of a special maritime amphibious frogman combat unit.

It is now the “storm amphibious frogman combat force.”

In the year before the establishment of the previous year, it was changed to “amphibious” in less than two years. Such a big reform will make the informed soldiers feel happy.

What does this show?

Explain that the growth of China’s national strength, the growth of military power, and the conditions for combat reserve savings are maturing!

J5 is a special soldier who guards the country, can he not expect it?

The country is strong and the people are strong, and the country is strong!

Discussing the reforms, Xia Jinyuan’s coming over makes the whole discussion atmosphere more technical and academic.

They are very aware that China’s current national defense technology and military equipment construction have entered a stage of rapid development, and they need to keep pace with the times. They must not rest on their own feet and finally become a waste chess player with regret.

When the devil came over, the atmosphere of the discussion reached an unprecedented level of enthusiasm, and Ye Jian, who was still a military school student, had two eyes, and the small face was faintly excited.

(End of this chapter)

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