Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1857 - Shocked in the heart, shocked

Chapter 1857 has a gun in his heart, shocked

The members of the Snowy Brigade who performed the task together with Ye Jian were aware of the ability of her ordinary people to learn, although I knew that listening to Ye Jian said that he had to complete the fourteen-shot bombing, all of them were very interested.

Instead of specifying the target to be completed, it is a temporary target that needs to be shot, such as “four meters away, seven points, the second tree, the bird’s nest.”

Or “five meters straight from the ground, one branch”.

Next, as long as the Snowy Brigade reports the shooting target, once Ye Jian’s line of sight finds them, as he saw before Li Yinian, there is no need to aim. After the bullet is over, the trigger is directly pulled to complete the shooting.


The continuous gunshots sounded, and the water monsters of the storm commando team saw that Ye Jian was aiming at a “big behemoth” and did not aim at the shooting directly.


After the fourteen empty bombs were finished, the water ghosts were shocked to silence.

What is this shooting technique?

Are they all a group of unqualified special forces?

Fourteen rounds of bullets will take some time from aiming to shooting…. The bluebird is just like a blind hit, and he’s shooting for a while, and it’s done!

The target is over, the bullet is finished!

“You really don’t aim at the action, how do you do it?” Li Xiaonian has faintly realized that Ye Jian’s shooting technique is not something they can easily learn. “There is no aiming action, the hit rate is 100%, the blue bird, how do you do it?” ?”

“There is this gun in my heart, my eyes are seeing the target. The gun in my heart is already aiming. When I pull the trigger from the gun, the rifle in my heart is alive. I have already felt the bullet pop out from the magazine, and the shell jumped out. The warhead is straight through the gun.”

Or the previous explanation, Ye Jian answered truthfully, as for the letter and the unbelief… they looked at it.

An incredible explanation, a visible fact, that Rao is always calm about anything. Li Yannian feels that this is really a bad time to accept.

Do you have this gun in your heart?

“But before I finished shooting in the mountains, it wasn’t this gun.” Once again, the first narrative was a bit eager for the calm naval major.

Ye Jian smiled. “Well, as long as I am familiar with the gun, I have this gun in my heart.”

It was an incredible answer, but Li Lannian knew that this was the correct answer.

After a long time, he slowly opened his mouth. “I think we have no way to learn.”

“We used to want to learn, tried and finally gave up.” Xia Jinyuan laughed. “Because no one can get this gun, there is this gun in my heart, only she can do it.”

Think about it too, Ye Jian as a snow squad special forces to train, the first to know is definitely the soldiers of the snow squad, they are also familiar with the battlefield naturally want to learn.

Unfortunately, no one can do it.

“I really can’t do it, I don’t have to try it.” The question in my heart got an incredible answer. Li Lannian showed a helpless smile and said: “Dr. Commander told me that since the blue bird could not become a navy, then I learned her shooting skills.” After adding a word, “I will go back to a report, and Commander Dong will secretly hurt himself for a while.”

After listening to the explanations of the water ghosts that she explained, they have not been scattered for a long time, and tried to think about it in their hearts. They also raised their rifles in their hands… As a result, the first action is still aiming!

(End of this chapter)

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