Chapter 1862 suspects murder

The guard was a male soldier who spoke. When he was in the General Hospital for a month, he used less than ten sentences to finish it. This was so that Ye Jian heard the nails fall into the palm of his hand.

Where is the rescue time of a week, it is clear that the rescue time is only two weeks!

In severe cases of infusion, the person who died of the wrong drug died on the spot. Chen Shu was found to have a medication error in less than three minutes after the infusion, and he fell into a coma, and if he lost more than three minutes?

Although President Chen has been safely coming over, Ye Jian only thinks a little more, and the body can’t control the trembling.

The fist is tightened to control the body that is slightly trembling, and the leaf that is not visible on the face is lightly closed. “Fortunately, fortunate.” Wan Xing Chen Shu did not have an accident, otherwise she did not know if she would do it. What is devastating?

Grandpa has gone away from her, and her dear is Chen Shu, … she only hopes that Chen Shu is healthy and long-lived.

Outside, Xia Jinyuan has already obtained the detailed case of President Chen’s admission, and also obtained the results of the investigation of the police in the southern province and the punishment results of the People’s Hospital of the South Province.

The nurse chatted and injected the intravenous medication of a heart patient into Chen Shu’s drug delivery bottle. The adverse reactions of this drug were vasodilatation headache, arteriolar spasm, respiratory paralysis, and suffocation.

Because Chen Shu used medicines that could not be mixed with this medicine, although it was found to have quite serious adverse consequences in time, if the guards sent by the non-military area found it in time… At this moment, his little fox lost his last close relative.

Xia Jinyuan did not immediately go in, but called the commander of the summer commander’s personal mobile phone, he needs to ask clearly.

At 3:40 in the morning, the Commander-in-Chief, who was awakened by the ringing of the mobile phone, saw who the call was. After the call, he asked, “Now at the airport, or at the hospital.”

“Hospital, I am sorry, Dad, disturbing you to rest.” Xia Jinyuan, standing by the window of the corridor, swept a few eyes around, and the voice of the twilight came low. “Dad, I just got two investigation reports.” The military suspected that Chen Shu might be “murdered” or not what the military found.”

When he got the investigation report of the police of the southern province and the investigation report of the military, he realized that Chen Shuyi had an accident. The first thing that the military department thought of was “murder.”

Only know that Chen Shu has been “sacrificed” for more than ten years, but the danger has always been!

Otherwise, the military will not immediately think of “murder”, not a medical accident.

Commander-in-chief Xia got up and walked to the desk in the bedroom and sat down. “Yes, the initial military was so skeptical, but after investigation it was a “medical accident.” Why, you still have questions. ”

“Dad, my main point is that the military suspects murder. Is there any movement in foreign countries? I have read Chen Shu’s information. One organization abroad has not given up looking for Chen Shu!”

Xia Jinyuan, who looked around to prevent someone from eavesdropping, said low, and his eyes were like a sword full of cold, slowly and naturally sweeping around. “Is Chen’s whereabouts exposed?”

“No, you think too much. Chen Dongfeng’s whereabouts have not been exposed so far. At the same time as the police investigation in the southern province, our military is also investigating. There is no movement in foreign countries.” Commander-in-chief Xia was a bit serious, sitting in his desk in his pajamas. On the other hand, the light of the desk lamp illuminates a corner. He warns his son in the eyebrows. “You know that there is this organization in your heart. The military did not mention it before. I don’t want to hear the second from your mouth.” Times.”

“On the other side of the leaflet, you need to keep it secret. This is what the military means is also Chen Dongfeng’s personal meaning.”

(End of this chapter)

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