Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1876 - Can doctors also learn by themselves?

Chapter 1876 can also self-study?

What do you mean? Xia Jinyuan’s twilight and faint look at Chan’s principal, “You still need to explain the white point.”

“I don’t understand, the old man is only telling me that Ye Haotou’s father is not Ye Xinfan. You have to go back to Shuikou Village, and Mr. Cai sent a diary written by Sun Xueqing Martyrs. I didn’t see it. The Secretary did not look at it, maybe there is an answer in it.”

Xia Jinyuan is lightly beheading, this diary must be taken, and take Ye Jian to get it.

“If you investigate the matter of Ye Haotou’s mother, I can give you a personal contact…”

President Chen’s words have not been finished. Suddenly, Xia Jinyuan stood up and realized that the principal of Chen immediately turned to look at the ward door and saw Ye Jian.

Ye Jian seems to have not woken up yet, screaming at the darkness of the black, not staring at the principal who is sitting on the hospital bed, it looks like the headmaster Chen is worried, he turned his head and asked Xia Jinyuan quickly. “This girl didn’t hear anything.”

“do not worry.”

Just as Xia Jinyuan talked, the leaves outside the door seemed to wake up, and the moment the door opened, a figure rushed to the bedside like a lightning bolt.

“Oh, you hoe, my old bones will be crushed by you.”

The headmaster of Chen, who was hugged by Ye Jian, suddenly burst into tears. The girl was so anxious that she could avoid the hand with his syringe. Hey, let her worry.

Ye Jane didn’t wake up, but was so surprised that she was directly stunned. She held her hand on the shoulder of President Chen, and she didn’t want to let go. She said, “You are so thin that you only have bones. You were there. But I promised to take care of myself, but now, look… Chen Shu, you have a word.”

Didn’t cry because she knew that her loved ones didn’t like to see her tears, no sorrow, because she was afraid that her emotions would affect Chen’s principal.

“It’s so thin, people are old and thin, they have the spirit, and the body is healthy. But it’s your gimmick that is a lot thinner, and you don’t have much meat on your face.” Chan patted the body lightly. Ye Jian, who is slightly twitching, this child, it’s really heartbreaking to know that he doesn’t like her crying, and she has been forcing her to be afraid of him.

Such a well-behaved child, he also wants to understand why someone is going to make it difficult for her to be a child without a father or mother.

Xia Jinyuan moved a chair to the side of the ward and walked over Ye Jian’s shoulder to let her sit down. “Chen Shugang woke up for a while, you accompanied and said, I went to breakfast.”

When he originally sent Ye Jian back to school, he went back directly to the base. Now he has to change his plan. If he has a limited holiday, he needs to go to Shuikou Village first. Ye Jian can only return to school alone.

The four-day leave was a bit of a hurry. When I went to Shuikou Village, there was no way to go to the National Science University.

Xia Jinyuan, who re-ordered the ticket, took a few porridges and happened to meet the doctor’s rounds. When the doctor finished the medical records, he smiled and said: “I really didn’t think you could understand these medications, and almost thought you were a military doctor. Born.”

Also, the headmaster of Chen said: “The children in your family are really smart, and the doctor can teach themselves.”

Ye Jianzheng gave the headmaster Chen a little bit of change. During this time, there were too many needles. Chen’s head had numerous pinholes, and the needles left a lot of bruises. The nurses came back and tied for two times and did not lead to venous return. Poisoned, the nurse was asked to go to the side and familiarly prayed to the headmaster Chen.

Let a doctor next to him think she is a military doctor.

Good night, continue tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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