Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1878 - Specially returned to the army

Chapter 1878 Specially Returned to the Troop

For President Chen, the food in the big dining hall is enough. Wherever you need to wait for a Lafayette, ask him to say that the food in the dining hall is more fragrant and more appetizing.

“It is not a problem to stop drinking alcohol or spicy. Don’t arrange any life care workers. It is already too much trouble to arrange three guards to guard me. I will feel that I am going to become a waste.”

Chan, the headmaster of Xiaomi porridge, said with some words: “There has been a lot of trouble for the troops, but you can’t do anything fine.”

“Ye Shutou, you also remember not to ask anything, Chen Shu, I am just a serious illness, not a broken hand, need someone to serve. Don’t really treat me as a waste person, I don’t like this kind of clothes to open hands, rice Open your mouth and serve.”

Ye Jian is aware of the temper of President Chen, the same temper as the old man, the troops need them, they will be obliged to join the army.

But when they return to their lives, they are absolutely difficult to solve themselves. They will never solve the troubles.

Chen Shu is a strong one. Once a world-class sniper, can he accept the life he cares for?

Such a life may be a good life for others, but for Chen Shu, it is denied that he still has the ability to continue to pay for the troops.

This is the most unacceptable for Chen Shu.

Wen Yan, Ye Jian smiled and said: “If you said that I wrote down, I will never ask the troops. But you are here to return to the army… Does it mean the second service?”

Otherwise, Chen Shu will not say that he will return directly to the army, but will say that he will go to the troops occasionally?

Going back directly to the army?

Xia Jinyuan, who put his **** on the leaf tray, couldn’t help but look at it. “If you stay in the army, you can, and you will be happier.”

According to China’s Military Service Law, after the veterans retired, it is impossible to return to the troops in principle. However, if the troops are re-employed, they can return to the troops again.

However, it is not a soldier of military age. It is only a special job, just like the nature of colleges and universities asking old experts to teach.

“Well, re-employment as a special recruit can not be regarded as a formal soldier. However, I will return to the army home without anyone. If you want to go home…” President Chen said that there was a bit of hesitation. He worried that Ye Jian would return to the village. The home is too cold to be too cold.

“Chen Shu, I feel very good. I will increase my training in the future. I am afraid that I will not return to the village often if I am aggravated. I will wait until the troops are more difficult to return. I am very good to return to the troops.”

Ye Jian was anxiously interrupted. She knew what President Chen was thinking about, but when she said it was ugly, she did not have much affection for Shuikou Village.

It is probably the last time that the rumors of the village were too much hurt, and it was probably because the feelings other than the loved ones were so weak that there was no way to reap the love of the village.

It’s just that Chen Shuruo’s special appointment to stay in the army is not enough. After the holiday, she will return directly to the army to find Chen Shucheng. She can also train with the soldiers during the holidays.

In this kind of life, Ye Jian only needs to think about it a little, and the corners of his mouth are slightly tilted up.

“It seems that you are hoping that I will return to the army. If you don’t have any opinions, then I will decide! I will stay in the sniper base in South Province, Shuikou Village… Ye Haotou, Uncle is afraid of the future. Will not return.”

(End of this chapter)

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