Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1885 - Good to get along with

Chapter 1885 is getting along well

Where is the kitchen of the Commander-in-Chief of Xia… I really don’t know.

Ye Jian, who stood up, sat down silently, and he had despised himself for a hundred times. When the commander-in-chief of Xia was in a good mood, he went to the tea room to make tea. Xia Jinyuan gathered in front of Ye Jian and smiled and said: “Don’t worry, come over. I know where my kitchen is, and I will tell you where my room is, and please go in and sit down.”

At that time, there was a small person in the heart of the major who was dancing and dancing. Seeing Ye Jian’s embarrassment, it was so cute that he could more and more love it.

It’s so cute, how can it be so cute, cute… I want to kiss it.

Yu Guang glanced at the passage leading to the tea room. Xia Jinyuan immediately seized the opportunity and quickly kissed Ye Jian’s cheek at a speed that was too fast, “getting a kiss and giving you a nervousness.”

When he kissed him, he jumped on his cheek, and as a thief, he quickly glanced at the direction of the commander-in-chief. The clear black scorpion smashed the man who dared to let go. “More nervous! You need It’s a little farther away from me.”

“Confirm, let me sit a little further? Don’t you give me a place to support the game?” Xia Jinyuan raised his eyebrows, and his face was deep and smiled, and he stood up and sat on the other side. “That’s my past, you.” Have a chat with the old man while drinking tea.”

Ye Jian grabbed his arm and twisted it on his arm. “You dare!” Finished, and whispered: “How do you solve the usual commander’s meal?”

There is no servant in the Xia family. Even the servants who cook and cook do not have the smell of the hostess. The decoration is warm but masculine.

“A good solution, basically solved in the military department, occasionally back to call the guard early in advance, the guard will be responsible for meals. Sometimes rest will go to the North Sea, Xiajia old house close to the North Sea, the old man will go back to accompany the father Same old lady.”

Since Xia Jinyuan was admitted to the National Science and Technology University, the commander of the summer commander sent the old servants who had been serving the two fathers and sons to the old lady, and did not ask another servant.

“Then you usually have to rest with the commander-in-chief, and you should always go back to the old house to see Grandpa and Grandma.” The voice is so light that you can hear it clearly. This is so, Ye Jian is still worried. Will be heard by Commander-in-Chief Xia.

Xia Jinyuan held her hand gently and kneaded, like laughing and laughing: “I want to go back and see Grandpa, Grandma, but you blame me for not taking you to visit Grandpa, Grandma? Or, at night we sat in the old house. Look at the two old?”

“Where do I have this meaning.” Knowing that he is deliberate, Ye Jian can only temporarily resist the big move. “You will not mention going back to the old house, visit the commander-in-chief. I can still say that Thanks, visiting two old people, I will be dumb.”

Knowing that she is not ready to face his family completely, how can she be embarrassed?

Seeing that she was close, Xia Jinyuan lowered her head and kissed her forehead with her forehead. She looked up and smiled a few times. “Okay, don’t scare. Put your heart back, you won’t bring you back today.” Old house. You need to be prepared, I have to give you time.”

“But in the future, it is definitely going to sit back in the old house. You have to prepare well in advance. The next year, next year, the father will be 90 years old. If we have time, we have to be there.”

(End of this chapter)

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