Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1892 - Longing home (replaced)

Chapter 1892 Aspired Home (Replaced)

“I actually did a ninety-nine one, and compared with a kid who didn’t have a good goal. I think that is definitely a win. I didn’t expect that he came up and picked up the gun “砰砰砰” directly. Hit it down and come straight to the perfection…”

Xia Jinyuan was 12 years old. The two fathers and sons were fighting in a technical fight. They either came up with push-ups or they were hanging horizontal bars. He always thought that he was good at physical fitness. He was all playing with his own old man when he was a child.

“I won, he lost. The hateful thing is that he still wants to slap. I don’t do it. I cried directly at the shooting range. My dad was afraid of shame. I had to promise it. It was him who opened the gambling, and the rules were his. In the end, I still have to lie, you said that I am not angry.”

Xia Jinyuan also remembered this matter. Now, although the past is still alive, it is a thing of the past. It has been fourteen years since the age of fourteen to twenty-six.

“I personally admit defeat to my son. At that time, I was the first in the team. I thought it would be shameful. I had to agree to his ridiculous demands and be more irritating.” After the black history was finished, the summer commander ordered tea to drink. Toast to Xia Jinyuan, “Don’t be too proud, I am waiting for a grandson who is more mixed than you to be born, to clean up.”

Every time I heard the history of black, I heard the trepidation of Ye Jian, silently picking up the dishes…. The boy who is more mixed than the Xia team is born, she thinks that the scalp is numb.

“You can rest assured that there is a powerful Laozi, and he is not allowed to have that chance. Come again, if I don’t win, I will be the mother’s shot, one-on-two, and lose.”

Commander-in-chief Xia had to drink the tea in one bite, and he didn’t want to take the summer major a little, … the really disappointing guy!

“Come, Xiaoye, drink a cup of tea with the uncle, it is practice. I still need to open a meeting tomorrow, I will not send you to the airport.” Changed the military uniform, put on the casual clothes, return to life, the commander of the summer does not Then there is the high commander, the commander-in-chief of the three generals who are awe-inspiring, but a kind and interesting old man who can feel his care in a word.

The home of the Xia team is a very warm home and the home she is looking forward to.

Until the end of the evening at 8:00, Xia Jinyuan took the wallet to check out, and Commander-in-Chief Xia mentioned Ye Jian. “I am honest, steady, and trustworthy. This is a guideline. As a soldier, you must not only do these four points, you You also need to know how to be tolerant, leaflet, and more inclusiveness will not make your life too bad.”

“But if someone else bullies the head, you don’t pay back. It’s not tolerance, but weakness. Remember what the uncle said, as long as you are right, if you have an uncle, don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid.”

I don’t know why Ye Jian heard a little deeper feelings, and some uncertain words: “Do you know… I know that I have had some minor holidays with Du’s chief of staff?”

“Why, I am afraid I know? Or are I afraid that I will marry you?” The expression of panic made the commander Xia shook his head and smiled. “You make sense, even if I know what else to worry about?”

“The sixth should say to you, the thing between me and the chief of staff of Du, you have friction with his daughter. When it happened, it happened. There is nothing remarkable.”

“If she dares to act, her uncle naturally waits for her, you…”

In the midst of a sudden, an angry middle-aged woman voice came from the box, “Xia Xinhui, are you inside!”, the unspoken summer commander heard, the smile on his face converges, and the moment is unacceptable. Vision of the instrument.

(End of this chapter)

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