Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1896 - Cannot engage in dictatorship

Chapter 1896 cannot be dictatorship

She said so, Duan Chief of Staff can say anything more, only to say: “Well, I will eat with Chenglan first. If you come here early, it will not be too late.” You two have a good chat, what’s the matter? Just as Xiao Xia is also there, the family of three sat down and talked well, there is nothing that can’t be solved.”

“We must have Ding in our work, but you can’t do it, but you can’t do it for your own family. You have to let it be done, you can’t engage in dictatorship.” In front of it, a bunch of things is actually the last sentence. Engage in dictatorship.”

Xia Jinyuan is not humble and elegant, and smiles gracefully: “Thank you for the reminder of the Chief of Staff of Du, in fact, no matter whether you are at home or outside, you can’t engage in dictatorship or special.”

I don’t know if he had words in his words. Du’s chief of staff had to smile and took his wife away.

Ms. Xiao, who was wiping her tears, saw no one outside, and took the lead: “Where is the box? I haven’t sat down for a long time to talk, Ayuan, you also said a few words with your mother, how long it will take you.”

“Exactly, I also have something to say to Ms. Xiao. Dad, please ask Ms. Xiao to sit back in the box. I let the waiter make the pot of tea.” Xia Jinyuan did not have the heart of the mother and son, faintly said, the long legs took the first step. tea.

Tea brewed up, I don’t know how many years ago, the three people who didn’t sit on one piece sat in a triangle, and the distance between them was very large. Ms. Xiao’s eyes were not willing to sit with herself, even her eyes were given. My son only feels bitter in his mouth.

Then look at the ex-husband sitting opposite. Although he is older, he is more energetic than he was when he was young. He has been in the army and he is now the commander-in-chief. The maze of the eyebrows makes her dare not look more.

Old, old, they are all old, recalling the absurdity of youth, only feeling a dream, a mistake is wrong, even the chance of correcting mistakes.

She did not speak, and the commander-in-chief of Xia was also suffocated, taking advantage of the freshly brewed hot tea to let his ex-wife look.

Lao Liu often said that when he was young, his eyes could not be found. He found a woman who could not hold back pressure. In fact, his eyes were still good when he was young.

When she was young, Ms. Xiao was a famous talented woman. Although her family was not as good as Xiajia, she was also the first scholar of the South, so she had a book temperament that the average woman did not have.

The beautiful facial features, the white skin, the chess and calligraphy are all well-versed. In the late 1950s, such women were usually the secrets of boys.

He is no exception. In a group of gray students, he met his ex-wife at a glance. He is talented and gentle, and he speaks fluent French and English. His wife was very popular before that time. The eyes are still very good.

However, forgetting the two is not suitable for forming a family. She is used to accompanying her family, and he is destined to return home. No one is right or wrong, but they are not suitable.

A family who wants to escape from a family without a husband is unwilling to make a return. Divorce is inevitable.

However, what he did not think was why the sixth child did not wait to see his ex-wife. When his wife filed a divorce, he just gave birth to the old six. Later, he asked for it, and he was not too late to wait for the old six to grow up.

When she was three years old, the patience of her ex-wife reached the limit, and Du Guoqiang’s wife, Li Chenglan, brought back a little white face, good guy! The little white face is not someone else, it is the neighbor of his ex-wife who lived in France between the ages of 12 and 15.

(End of this chapter)

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