Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1901 - She wants to have a foot

Chapter 1901, she wants to mix a foot

She knew that she was a selfish person. The fact that she had abandoned her son was a big mistake, but she did not regret it. If you regret it in the future, it is useless. After all, it is the way to go.

The only regret in my life was that I didn’t expect people to be old. Instead, I wanted to talk to my own son about life and listen to him talking to myself.

It’s a pity that her son is like her, let go of her hand, and the things she doesn’t want will not pick up again. Her mother’s mother has been put down by him, and his mother’s concern is no longer needed in his world. This is what she did not expect.

“Shuman, how do you stay alone? Old summer?” The closed box door opened, and Mrs. Li pushed the door and saw Ms. Xiao slowly drinking tea, or the time was quiet. Quiet, it seems that she has never cried.

She is a good life, no matter when someone will stand up and support her, this is where Li Chenglan is less than her.

But now it is a big difference, she has children equal to no children, and she Li Chenglan two children and two women, people are prosperous, there is a big guardian home, there is a beautiful girl under the knees, this she is always better than Xiao Shuman my own.

“Chenglan, come, sit together, Ayuan ordered black tea, and it is quite my heart.” Ms. Xiao smiled, and said the elegant and dignified hand raised her hand and told her friends to sit down and enjoy tea with herself.

Li Chenglan’s eyes moved slightly and sat down beside her. “What happened to you in the old summer, did you promise to let you meet with Ayuan?”

“Although the old summer temper is not good, everything can only be by him, but he still understands the truth. If you communicate with him, you can definitely let him nod. If he disagrees, even if you tell me with Lao Du, we The two went to find him!”

“I am looking for Lao Xia outside, the military department is looking for him by Lao Du, seeing him dare to avoid you. Let me say that you are a soft person, do not know how to fight, just if I am with Lao Du, Old Summer will also sell Lao Du a face.”

I have lived for most of my life, and I can’t even see my oldest son. Hey, what was the use of life before it was wonderful?

This person, still have to see who is laughing at the end.

“You are a temper, who is almost sixty, how can you still not change? Drink a cup of black tea.” Ms. Xiao smiled faintly, brewed tea for her old friend and brought it to her. “Old summer did not stop me from seeing Ayuan, now Ayuan, this child is not waiting to see me. Resent others, just blame myself.”

“Don’t worry, it’s my fault to be born and not raised. I’m sorry to become a orchid. I am still tired of worrying with Lao Du for me. This matter, I will solve it myself later, I can’t bother you any more.”

Mrs. Li was not happy, but she was very angry and pulled her face. “What do you say, I am also polite with me? Old summer is not necessary to stop you, Ayuan is big, why should he Be the wicked person.”

It means that the commander-in-chief of the summer was stopped because Xia Jinjin was small. Nowadays, Xia Jinjin is big, and the fact is that his mother does not want him. The purpose of Commander Xia has been reached. It doesn’t matter if it is not stopped.

Other people’s affairs, she Li Chenglan is a grandmother, and will not let go of the body, but this summer house, she wants to mix a foot.

When I was young, I couldn’t scream at the Xiajia chicken. When I was old, she still had the ability to make the Xia’s later generations uneasy.

(End of this chapter)

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