Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1907 - Do you like me so much?

Chapter 1907 like me so much?

“Of course I care, since I have found a good-looking boyfriend, I certainly like to look at a good-looking face every day.” Ye Jian was arrogant and raised his hand and touched his face. “Your face is born to let a woman Criminal, I am now taking the owner of this face with the risk of being scratched by the knife of her woman. If you don’t protect it, you can’t help me.”

It is a good feeling to be licked by my girlfriend. Even if this face is smashed, Xia Major directly thinks that this is his charm, his face is his own, and naturally he is charming.

“It seems to be well protected. I am afraid that if one day I break the phase, my little fox will abandon me.”

Ye Jian nodded very seriously and was very responsible: “Yes, when you look at your face, you have to ruin your face, and I am still beautiful, do you say that you are inferior?”


Good guy, getting bolder, it’s very good to take him out now!

She has been smiling like a flower, and the waves are swaying from each other. The white-eyed shooting light and shadows, the girl with a bath and fragrance is really like a fox monster, and the flattering charm of the people.

Xia Jinyuan gradually converges to laugh, and the dull and darkness of the darkness turns deep and deep, like an unfathomable ancient well locked up the person who shines on the mirror. He suddenly took a step closer.

When it comes to action, Ye Jian is shocked, subconsciously avoiding sideways, buttocks against the counter, looking at the approaching man with vigilance. “What, … I tell the truth, it’s hard to be … you… are you still angry?”

There are too many dark colors in his eyes that faintly flow, and there are still a few stars in the vagueness. The young majors who have just cherished the nobles are now full of danger, not the danger of pure darkness, but Full of the danger of temptation.

Dangerous major, elegant man, made her heart panic.

Xia Jinyuan was so eager to see that there was no retreat, and he couldn’t escape the leaf slips. When he was slightly bent, he took a step and immediately pulled her into his arms.

His chest was very generous, strong and secure, and Ye Jane was suddenly hurt by his sudden pull on his chest.

Raised, black and bright eyes for a moment without staring at the front of this handsome and innocent, eyebrows seem to have the face of the mountains and domineering, Ye Jian some difficult throat swallowing.

Such Xia Jinyuan, even though dangerous, also made her feel at ease.

I have to admit that I had promised him in the third year of high school. There is a great relationship between this face and the face that is omnipresent. Now even if I know each other for five or six years, my heart is always uncontrollable.

Fortunately, self-control ability can be, otherwise, she suspects that she will not rush in the past, first to force him to do it!

For a time, Ye Jian was staring at the beauty of the major.

“Do you like my face so much? Is it more convenient for you to stand close?” He lowered his head, leaned over, and his low voice sounded. The **** one had a deep favor for her, and a man was right. The woman’s indulgent relocation, “Is it more convenient to look at it like this?”

“Or, look at it while you touch it?” He grasped Ye Jian’s hand and stuck it to his cheek. He asked her lowly. “Is it more sensible?”

The palm of his hand was close to his cheek, and the warm touch made Ye Jian’s singularly screaming. After returning to God, he had not had time to come out completely, and the scent of his shackles provoked her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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