Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1910 - Xia team is difficult to prevent

Chapter 1910 Summer team is difficult to prevent

Now, she is blushing, but he let go.

The blush representative knows and represents understanding. Knowing that a man will have an impulsiveness, understanding that a man has an impulsive body will undergo substantial changes. Is it necessary for him to be slightly Hao?

Not necessary at all!

However, the majors in summer did not continue to be tight, and what was in the kitchen was not enough. Both of them were raw, and the kitchen was left to be explored in the future.

Actively pull the distance away, and at the same time loosen her hand, hold the flow table with both hands, and lock her into the world of her arms. “What do you want to say is not broken?”

He said, while he smiled low, the mellow laughter couldn’t help but make people feel awkward. “If it’s so easy to break up, I’m afraid I’ve been broken up in front of you.”

Ye Jane has the urge to stun herself. How can she… If this is the case, especially to him! Ming knows that he is going to climb!

“No, I am talking about not being a whole person. You can wash and sleep.” The commander-in-chief repeatedly reminded him that he must not let him climb down, otherwise he would lose himself, Ye Jian set his heart, and dressed up his face. “Go to the bath! There is a smell of disinfectant on my body. I don’t like smelling.”

His eyes are terrible, just like eating her!

Xia Jinyuan’s Meifeng gently picks and picks up the lover who has a red face and smiles. It means a long smile. “Well, you go back to the room and wait for me.”

Going back to the house waiting for him? I think it is beautiful.

Ye Jian, who was in his heart, smiled and nodded. “Well, you are going.”

Seeing that he was about to get up, he said: “I just bite my tongue. Is it spit out for me to see? Or am I going in and checking?”

She always scared her suddenly, and Ye Jian continued to take a deep breath, and the face was a little hot under the pressure. “No, I can drool, don’t bother you.”

Whether it is spit out or how he is, the result is the same, and rejection is the best choice.

Xia Jinyuan, who knows how to give way to Song Shi, has not pressed harder. His fox can’t push too tightly. He is forced to flee to the hospital and keep Chen Shu.

Wait until he took a shower and went into the room and slowly grind it with her. The dishes are kept for a while, and the dishes are to be tasted.

“Well, you check if you bite very heavy, I go to take a shower.” Finally, Major Xia Jinyuan took back his hands and stood up straight, naturally and straightened his waist.

The leaf with a slight gaze was flashing, and he accidentally passed his very spectacular position. The heartbeat continued to leak several shots, and a guilty look cleared his throat and leaned toward the door. “I know, you are going to be busy with you, I know how to deal with it.”


I don’t really see any difference in my usual life. Now, at first glance, she is even hit by the line of sight.

It’s too spectacular.

Xia Jinyuan was always satisfied with his body, and he was quite confident in the characteristics of men. He looked at Ye Jian, who had a red neck, and he took a deep breath.

Although the line of sight was not substantial, but he felt the softness of a passing, let him tremble slightly.

It’s really a tormenting little thing!

Ye Jian knows that he is a tormenting little thing. He walks into the bathroom with his forefoot, and when the back foot returns to the room, she immediately locks the door.

The back of the leaf on the back of the chest is not so strong, it is dangerous tonight, she must be guarded!

(End of this chapter)

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