Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1920 - I think about it, I can’t

Chapter 1920, I think about it, I can’t think of it.

“Nature will not, … I still want this.” The finger slowly stroked from her slender waist, and then went all the way up, slowly crawling.

I didn’t climb the mountain tip immediately. I first went back and forth in the gully. I thought I would consider where my Wuzhishan first climbed and feel the scenery.

Xia Jinyuan is not so anxious, but let her adapt to herself slowly, and when she is happy with her neck, she will whisper and whisper, trying to reach a high level once.

Strictly demanding his own major, there are strict requirements for the situation, he does not want to leave a very bad impression to Ye Jian, so that she can not afford the interest in the future.

The interest needs to be cultivated, and he has to go slowly and enter the good times.

Ye Jian really doesn’t like the law that is arrogant. I believe that there are not a few women who are willing to treat it like this. The joy of fish and water is the joy of feeling deep and can’t help but how can it be anxious.

When his hand covered the right side of the leaf, he closed his eyes easily and blushing like a ray of sunshine. It was even more beautiful than the spring. There was a watery affection between the brow and the corner of the eye, and the feeling of emotion at the beginning. color.

There were drops of water dripping onto her eyes, and she closed her eyes and couldn’t help but open her eyes. She saw his forbearance and restraint, and saw the joy in his eyes.

“I think about it, I can’t help it, now I want to…” Xia Jinyuan saw her quietly open her eyes, overflowing with a long-satisfying feeling. “The feel is ten million times better than what I thought. This is the second. Small dish, more powerful than clear soup.”

I used to sneak my fingers and quietly thought about how big it was. I even thought about how it feels if I touch it.

Now I want to know what I want to know. My previous thoughts are all coming. I can’t just use it as a reference…. I have to come to the truth.

“For the first time, there was some tension.” The sweat dripped, and the black scorpion that Xia Jinyuan looked at was like an old well. It was already simmered inside. “I didn’t think it was so wonderful, I wanted time to stop.”

He bowed his head to her slender neck and said vaguely: “The third side dish is a probe, … I want to explore all the way, to see how different the difference between a woman and a man is.”

Ye Jianwen said that his heartbeat slammed into a few shots, his hands tightly wrapped around his neck. “Is it over after the expedition?”

“No, there is the last dish after the expedition, for the “goods”, I want to taste a product, good for a person’s recollection.” Kiss from the neck all the way down, it fell to the clavicle, and then **** The back of the bone groove came back, and even a few red and beautiful little flowers were left.

With the gentle exploration of the lips, a little bit of the beginning of the skin, the slender fingers now feel the scenery on both sides, the action is from the urine, and then slowly have the pattern.

It is a pity that Ye Jian belongs to the material. Xia Jinyuan tried to give up two times, and there is absolutely no way to do it in two places.

“Light, flexible, delicate and soft, not as hard as our men, it is still painful.” Xia Jinyuan in the playfulness said with sincerity, the voice is a little dumb, all because of too much forbearance Inside, every word is filled with heat.

(End of this chapter)

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