Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1923 - Practice makes perfect

Chapter 1923 Practice makes perfect

Did not let him sleep on the sofa, look at the large half of the bed left to know.

Ye Jian, who was still red-faced, didn’t sleep. He listened to him and went into the room and closed the door. When he was in the breath, he went to the bed and lie down to his side.

“Come to my arms, I am holding you.”

The man who washed a cold shower had a low voice when he was not emotional, but it was also a good listener.

Ye Jian, who was sleeping on his side, did not move. Xia Jinyuan, who spoke, moved, holding her shoulders with one hand, and then forcedly brought it to her arms, letting Ye Jian turn around and face herself.

Looking at her cheeks, Xia Jinyuan couldn’t help her kiss her forehead. “Practice makes perfect, next time I go back, you will be more comfortable.”


This topic is actually not intended to listen to!

I don’t want to listen, I don’t want to join the discussion, just keep my eyes closed, and then the faint eyelashes exposed her early, let Xia Jinyuan’s heart and heart grow up, tightly put her in her arms, and have tender feelings in her chest. The face is red like this. Do you want to apply it with cool water and dissipate heat?”

She didn’t speak, he didn’t seem to stop.

“No, you don’t say that I won’t blush.” ​​Ye Jian, who opened his mouth and closed his eyes, buried his head in his arms, preventing his eyes from falling. “It’s so tired, I want to sleep.” It is.”

Xia Jinshen, who is both physically and mentally comfortable, has no sleep at this time. Although there is no five-finger girl who wants to move Ye Jian, this is a self-opening, and no need to think about it.

In the team, Han Wei sometimes mentions the thing between the man and the woman. He is a war-torn. After the fifteen-year-old has opened, he has not stopped. The woman is like him. What he said is like an item that solves the demand. It has been used after it has been used, and will not be recalled.

When he mentioned the feeling, he couldn’t help thinking about it. The person who thought there was no one, and he was sleeping in the girl in his arms.

After all, delusion is a delusion, completely different from reality. As long as you have experienced it, you will know what it feels like to have a good feeling.

A feeling that makes him now quite active in the cerebral cortex, a feeling that the soul is floating.

The territory he developed was only two mountains, which made him feel so. When the territory was occupied, he didn’t need to think about it. Just think about his body and start to move.

“Is it tired? If you are tired, just close your eyes and rest, listen to me.” He didn’t want to sleep, he wanted to talk to her about the feelings, gently stroking her shoulders, the voice was low and shallow, “I have never felt before.” I am very excited now, little fox, how do you feel?”

“Is it comfortable for you? It should be OK, I heard your low voice, and it’s like a cat claw scratching me. The more I listen, the more I am excited.”

“The ear seems to have your voice now…. I used cold water when I took a shower. I finally put all the flames out. Now I have… Little fox, I have planted it in your hands. It is.”

Similar to the lure training, he did not know how many times, except for the first time, after a little reaction, he did not react again. The woman with the best body stood in front of him and followed a plastic human model. Will evoke his interest.

Only she is, only she is so sensitive to each other, to evoke the most primitive impulse of the body.

“If it’s not tomorrow, you have to catch a plane, little fox, I will really toss you to dawn tomorrow night.” After this sentence, Xia Jinyuan clung to Ye Jian, who seemed to have slept, and he slowly closed his eyes.

I can sleep, and there are still many things to deal with after waking up. Their children’s love is short-lived, and the battle is their life.

Good night

These chapters cost brain cells more than writing wars…

(End of this chapter)

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