Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1934 - There is no banquet

Chapter 1934 has no banquet

Ye Jian came to the newly elected sniper soldiers for four days and they were already familiar with it. He heard that Liu Tuan and Yan Zhengwei, who came to visit Chen’s principal, smiled and said: “I am not accompanying you, I will go to training first.”

“Go, go, we have something to go.” Liu Tuan smiled and waved his hand, indicating that Ye Jian did not have to call them. “If we have time, we will come to visit Chen, and you are also safe.”

The sniper base is directly under the jurisdiction of the Military Region of the Southern Province. Liu Tuan and the Yan Political Commissar have only one training base for the training of motormen in Zhongnanhai. They come and look at it and it is impossible to stay for a long time.

Didn’t let Ye Jian send them, and when she left, Liu Tuan smiled and said: “In the future, it is the residence of Lao Chen. The troops in the mountain are afraid to ask him to go back.”

“Yeah, it’s a pity that the old Chen used to go to the troops to guide the soldiers’ shooting training from time to time. The shooting level brought by him was quite high. After that… Hey, he could only look at it.”

Yan Zhengwei smiled and patted the shoulders of the partner. “You have to rely on yourself to become a good one. Lao Chen has already brought us a batch. Let this group teach the next batch, and a batch of them will not be taught.枉老陈’s efforts.”

“When we are gone, Lao Chen and Ye Haotou are afraid that they will rarely return to the army. Go to Lao Liu and go to the old place for a drink.”

“I just wanted to mention with Ye Haotou, you still give me a wink, now I want to accompany you to the old place to have a drink, why not call Ye Haotou. This girl is just like our children, now We both left in tandem, …and I don’t know if Ye Haotou would be reluctant.”

Liu’s head said lowly, the strict political commissar smiled and said: “There is nothing to say, I told Lao Chen that he should say something to Ye Haotou, I am fine, just you…”

In the whistling cold wind, the two black and green figures who talked side by side gradually drifted away. Ye Jian, who ran to the end of the training ground, turned and looked at the two figures that left. He said to Chen, “Chen Shu, we will return later.” Shuikou Village, I can’t bear the soldiers there.”

More importantly, there was the first unit she contacted. All the holidays before leaving the village of Shuikou were spent in the army that was silently serving as a weapon of north and south.

Feelings deeper than the feelings of Shuikou Village, as if there is her roots.

President Chen, who is quite in a good state of mind, smiled and said: “Yes, as long as you want to go back, you can go back at any time. However, if Liu Tuan and Yan Zhengzheng are to be transferred, it will be a little difficult.”

“I want to transfer to transfer? Are you sure?” Ye Jian was quite surprised. He also realized that Liu Tuan and Yan Zhengzheng had been stationed in Fujun Town for many years, and his heart was a little uncomfortable.

“Liu’s head changed his career, the strict political commissar moved, and later wanted to return to the army… Let’s talk about it later.” President Chen sighed softly and said: “The banquet in the world will leave when it is certain. If you don’t leave, you have to go. If you don’t want to leave, you have to give up.”

Ye Jian’s heart is deeper and deeper. “The soldiers who fight in the iron camp will have veterans retired every year. I still remember the few spurs who came to know from the coastal cities in junior high school. They have been in the past few years. Retired and returned to school.”

“I don’t know where Liu Tuan will go back. The political commissar has moved to another place. Just now… I didn’t ask more questions.” Ye Jian looked at the place where they had just stood together. It was a good mood. A slight impact.

(End of this chapter)

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