Chapter 1952 pays

Ye Jian has already seen the confusion in the eyes of friends, and the struggle to integrate into the depths of the bottom. She knows that she is not persuading her friends to do it at this time, but to explain the problems that friends need to face.

“This cycle, day after day, cycles, with no support for his short sweet support. Jiaxin, you ask if you can accept such a day, can you bear such a life.”

“I have no way to give you advice. I can only analyze it and tell you how to choose only you can choose. Others can’t help you, you can’t do it for you.”

An Jiaxin, who didn’t cry loudly, couldn’t say a word for a moment, and Ye Jian took a paper towel to dry the tears on her face, quietly and patiently accompanying.

An Jiaxin, who waited until his emotions gradually calmed down, his eyes filled with pain and whispered, “Well, are you the same?”

“Jiaxin, I am different from you. I love people and I are both soldiers. We have chosen to join the army. It is equal to having a common direction. Separation and silence are normal for us. We will be used to separation and accept separation. But our direction will never change.”

“So, I am different from you.”

An Jiaxin especially did not give up, struggling to ask, “Jane, can you accept that when he needs him most, he is not around?”

“I can, because I know that although he did not accompany me, his heart has always been with me. He needs me when I am around, but I am not with him, but my heart is always Concerned about him.”

“I can endure separation, accept separation, and get used to separation, because every time we separate, we will work hard for the next gathering.” Ye Jian said very thoroughly, so that An Jiaxin could understand more and accept a special soldier. Need to pay a lot.

Why did An Jiaxin think so deeply, she only wants to think about the other side, since she is chasing herself, why do she like to leave without saying goodbye, but also thinking too rude, too much to reassure her.

Ye Jian’s words were like a thunder, and she suddenly broke into her heart, and she was shocked to find that there were so many problems in dating a soldier.

“Think about it, only you can figure it out to make a choice.” Ye Jian saw her face confused, stretched out her hand and hugged her friend, softly said: “It’s not a moment to understand, how old you are. What did you do for these things when you were a freshman?”

T6 is afraid that she is using her sincerity. She is not qualified to doubt the true heart of T6. However, she needs to tell Jiaxin how hard it is to fall in love with T6.

One is a comrade-in-arms, and the other is a good friend. She naturally hopes that the two can be good, but they don’t want to love them in the future. In the end, they have hatred.

The sound of no speech in the room calmed down. The city at 4 o’clock in the morning was still dark in the night, and Ye Jian lying on the bed gradually closed his eyes.

I don’t know how long it took, Ye Jian suddenly heard An Jiaxin ask himself cautiously, “Jane, if I also go to join the army? Is it… just like you?”

The drowsiness that just came up was shot again in an instant, and the leaves of the eyes opened openly and looked at her clearly. “Jiaxin, I said that I am different from you. I don’t need to look at me. You just need to watch. Know your heart.”

“My choice, my identity can not be your reference, understand?

(End of this chapter)

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