Chapter 1959 Secrets of Time

Ye Jian knew that he had just lost his mind, but he was already restrained. He did not really solve the evil old man in front of him.

In the face of Chen Shu’s reprimand, Ye Jian did not regret the sinful behavior he had just committed, nor did he regret that he had shot the neck of Mrs. Ye’s wife. He heard that some people insulted their parents and did not have any action to become a child!

Seeing that Chan’s principal did not intend to release his wrist, the tears shed tears into the throat and the salty leaves were simple: “Chen Shu, Ye Shutou has never let you down with the old man, even if there is a state of ill, make unwise But I still have a few points.”

“You know, if my body really wants Mrs. Ye to die, she doesn’t have to rub her neck. It just needs to twist her head.”

“Chen Shu, I am very angry, but I also know how to restrain. After all, my identity restricts my behavior, and I can’t get a half-point difference. I won’t make things like “pro-kind hate, the enemy is fast”, always Will not.”

When President Chen thought about it, he slowly recovered his hand.


With the skill of Ye Shutou, if I really want to kill the old woman, I need to worry about my neck, and I just broke my neck and broke it.

But she wants to ask…, hey, he can answer, “Don’t ask, Shantou, she said nothing wrong, you… really not your dad’s daughter, your father… no fertility. Your mother’s So choosing to marry your dad means knowing that your father has no fertility.”

“Shantou, you are really not the daughter of Ye Xinfan. Your parents have only a marriage relationship, but there is no real relationship between husband and wife.”

When Chen Shu said only one sentence, he gradually calmed down the leaf squat and suddenly shrank. He suddenly looked up and looked at the incredulous and incredulously looking at Chan, “What do you say?”

The combination of your father and mother is still the same as the old man. It is your mother who finds the old man and asks him to help him find an honest and reliable man of the same age in the same village. The old man will find your father. President Chen knew that she actually heard it very clearly, but she could not accept it for a while.

Mrs. Ye, who was still smirking at the eye, continued to sneer at Ye’s gaze, and sighed: “And your dad didn’t dare to promise, but Ye’s old woman promised it, and he secretly found your mother to take care of himself. The situation was said, I thought your mother would refuse, but your mother promised it.”

“Even the uncle doesn’t know what’s going on between your parents. Chen Shu still knows from your mother’s diary… You want to know when Chen Shu returns to the village to bring you over. This diary is Cai. The bureau personally sent it.”

President Chen’s words completely shattered Ye’s last hope in the heart, and the whole person was as if he had lost seven souls and six squats, standing in the same place.


I am not my father’s daughter?

Who is her daughter?

It is no wonder that Mrs. Ye’s wife is a wild species. She knew that she was not her father’s daughter.

“That…who is my father?” The eyes were filled with empty leaves and simple questions, but they didn’t seem to ask, but instead they said that they didn’t know what they said.

Who is Ye Jian’s father, President Chen has no way to answer, because he does not know that Sun Xueqing’s martyr did not write in the diary kept by his comrades.

(End of this chapter)

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