Chapter 1966 has closed her

The man who took the lead finished and ordered the other three men. “You three are outside, don’t let people get close. They all have big eyes and make the boss unhappy. We all have to be unlucky.”

A total of six people went to block the leaf Jane, leaving three outside to guard, and three others went in together.

Ye Jian secretly moved his tight hands. When he walked through the dark corridor, his right hand suddenly became strangely curved. The hands that had been tied to the wrist and traced the traces were liberated for one minute.

The liberated hands slammed the rope in the dark, yes, it was very solid, and I used it to clean up Sun Yaozu.

Ye Jian did not immediately move. She only had to deal with Sun Yaozu. These people are not within her scope, and there is no need to touch a few more lives.

Ye Jian, who continued to be trapped in the head, felt that he had entered a very spacious room, perhaps a new house, and the air was all dusty and moist.

Then he was pushed down the concrete staircase, and the concrete dust was lifted up. He walked a layer and noticed that the air was not flowing, like entering a closed space.

basement? Was she taken to a basement?

When the toes get to a hard object, in order to confirm that the leaf that you guessed is not standing firm, the body is kicking forward while the toe is kicking.

After a burst of “jingle” echoes, Ye Jian knew that he had not guessed, and indeed went to a basement.

The man who walked in front of him heard the movement and turned his eyes and looked at Ye Jian, who was dragging his eyes. The two accomplices did not have a good air: “Take her a steady point and fall to her. We are as bad as we are.”

It can be seen that they are quite afraid of Sun Yaozu.

Ye Jian has lightly hooked his mouth. This fear is not a fear of fear, but a simple fear of ending the money transaction, and the most unreliable “fear.”

Then she is not afraid that these people will really buy life for Sun Yaozu. They are only for money, and they will not really take their lives.

My brother reminded her to pay attention to the four bodyguards around Sun Yaozu. Two of them were also foreign bodyguards in South Asia. These bodyguards are usually **** hands.

She is wary of these two.

Foreign bodyguards are also a little better, and they can be blamed.

After walking the man in front, Ye Jian faintly heard the echo of the roaring in the basement. The faint hearing was not clear, but it also made Ye Jian understand that the basement was afraid of more than one layer, and said that there were two layers.

The roar of the voice is the voice of Sun Yaozu. He has not had much patience. He only slightly converges when he becomes a boss, but he has no patience with Ye Jian.

It didn’t take long for her talents to go out and asked. At nine o’clock, she hadn’t waited for Ye Jian. He had already been violent. When he caught Ye Jian, he hadn’t violently jumped to him. The only two chairs in the room were also smashed by him. .

At this moment, I heard that the guardian said that Ye Jian brought it, and the eye straps had not been removed. He picked up a broken table and slammed his mouth and said: “Take her in!”

Dead girl, I finally fell into his hands today, tonight is the time to bear her little life!

No, can’t abolish her at once!

When Sun Xueqing was the monk how to lick one of his eyes, how could he first get rid of her daughter’s eyes! It’s right to slowly torture the dead girl!

In the one-eyed flash, the savage Sun Yaozu’s gloomy “嘿嘿” smiled a few times, and the face of the fierce face suddenly smashed into a monster like a human being, grinding two roots to the two bodyguards who were inseparable from each other: “Wait for What do you want me to do, what do you do, hear no!”

(End of this chapter)

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