Why is Chapter 1974?

The pain in his body told him that the dead girl he looked down on was actually a sly character. How many people can do it by cutting the fingers of others?

The coldness of the body tells him that getting him into the mountains is all planned by the decapitated death gimmicks. How can such awkward characters make it easy for his own people to get back, and they can also get the bodyguards from their four high prices. I easily escaped in my hand and returned easily.

Everything is planned early, so I am waiting for myself to be fooled!

The cold and painful Sun Yaozu reacted completely and he was fooled!

As she said, she actually waited for herself to come over!

Sun Yaozu, who kept shaking in his heart, did not dare to continue to cry. He shuddered and said: “I said, I said, … you let me go, I said all!”

He proposed the conditions, in exchange for Ye Jian’s sneer, “What qualifications do you have to talk to me about the conditions? Money? People? These things are gone when you die? But you don’t have any of them, you can’t What is the condition for me to talk about?”

“Why did you shoot at my mother that year!” asked again.

Sun Yaozu, who was afraid of her heart, was asked by her, and it was as if the doorknob in her mouth was broken. She was shocked and said a lot. “Smuggling, when I was doing smuggling, every batch of goods came from the sea. Check and release directly.”

“Your mom doesn’t know when it’s mixed up. One day, she accidentally found me helping to move the goods. The smuggled goods can’t go to the dock, and the undeveloped seaside, the working workers are some controlled wanderings. Han, your mom just saw me moving the goods that day, and I recognized it at a glance.”

“She thought that I was under control. I was very anxious. When I moved to the second shipment, I found me. I didn’t think she had any problems. I thought she was sent by the people in the army to cooperate with us.”

“Fortunately, your mother first spoke. Although your mother didn’t say what he was doing, the person in the army greeted us and said that there may be people who are mixed into our route. You need to pay attention.”

“Your mother asked me “How long has it been?”, I understand that your mother was originally sent to find out the smuggling route, not the one who came to us.”

“In a few days, your mother left. Before leaving, I said that I would save me. Your mother is from Sunjiawan. I am also from Sunjiawan. My grandfather and a grandfather outside of you, and some relatives, plus My mom has also helped your grandfather, your mother has always remembered this person, she wants to save me.”

“I didn’t want your mother’s life. It’s your mother’s stubbornness. I have to make things big. I can’t help you with your mother, but also deliberately let her continue to misunderstand that I am controlled, and quickly tell the news. Give us the convenience of the person.”

“Who is that person, I don’t know, I only know that he is a person in the army.”

“I received the person’s message saying that your mother could not stay, he will plan to solve your mother. One month later, the troops sent a special force to encircle us, including your mother.”

“That night was full of gunshots, I was scared to move, but I did not expect your mother to find me…, I was scared to the soft legs, I thought your mom was coming to kill me, shouted “She is Here, your mother reacted so fast, immediately realized that I had a problem, and was shocked and angry, shouting my name in my hometown, and taking out a knife to stab me.”

(End of this chapter)

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