Chapter 1981 Internal Disorder

Ye Zhifan came over and let the hospital be relieved.

Although this is a provincial official, there is really no shelf, and the temper is also very good. It is never a difficult person. Every time I come back, I urge the old lady not to be a hospital. To be considerate of others, the sanatorium is waiting for the work of the old lady. The staff are looking forward to Ye Secretary.

When the doctor left, the nurse comforted a sentence of “sacred sorrow” and quickly left.

When their loved ones pass away, the family members are emotionally excited and they understand, but it is not right to beat people!

The doctor tried his best to rescue him. Not only did he not get a thank-you, but he was beaten to the blood, and anyone in his heart would be angry.

When the staff left Yuan Ye Zhifan, he was sullen and reprimanded: “You still think that things are not too big! Who do you think? You still have to call a doctor. Do you really want to sit in the bureau for a few days to be happy?”

“Things have never been passed down in your hands. The more you get worse, the more you talk! You interviewed you, what did you say to you? I also said that it must be done by the two foreign bodyguards. Can you be sure? The police are not sure. !”

“The old lady passed away, the doctor rescued the hair and was wet with sweat. You didn’t say “thank you” when you came up, but also took the bag and beat people. Ye Youxiang is strong enough to beat people, you really have money to travel all over the world. Not afraid!”

“You have listened to me! Sun Yaozu and the old lady who have made money for you are gone. You have to be so arrogant again, you will destroy both children!”

Ye Zhifan is really afraid that Ye Xiangxiang drags his hind legs. Now it is no more than before. Government officials are a little bit of something. The news media flies like flies, waiting for you to sin so that they can be exposed!

Going to this step today, although some people can protect themselves from their own prudence, if they keep their words because of Ye Yuxiang’s relationship, he will definitely make her look good.

At this time, Ye Zhifan was not concerned about the death of Mrs. Ye, but she was afraid that she would be affected by Ye Xiangxiang in the future.

The IQ is not genetically old, and the temper will be murdered. Ye Wenxiang will be murdered. He will hear the words, pull the scorpion, and stalk the neck and glare. “Ye Zhifan, you are less than my front shelf!”

When he came out, he turned Ye Zhifan’s face into a big change. If someone else walked around, he would like to slap it.

Ye Xiangxiang looked for a venting point, and did not look at his face, pointing his fingers and yelling. “My mom is gone, I know, I know that your two couples are happy, especially you Sun Dongqing…you…”

She just pointed her gun at Sun Dongqing. She was never a vegetarian. Sun Dongqing didn’t let her finish her words. She screamed back. “What happened to me, what happened to me, it’s your mother’s gone, shut my ass!”

“Give me shut up!” Ye Zhifan saw two unreasonable quarrels, and the anger could not be stopped. “Is it not enough to be shameful? You…”

“I lost someone, I rushed over, I lost someone.” Where is Sun Dongqing’s loss, and Mrs. Ye died, she felt that she turned over and how Ye Qixiang could just turn over. Cold eyes screamed with the crazy Ye Xiangxiang, ah said: “I am happy, how can you take me? When you bullied me with your mother, I am looking forward to having such a day! Hahaha, let me I hope that I can’t be happy?!”

This sentence is a fight, Ye Yixiang heard glare, screamed and picked up the bag in his hand and smashed it toward Sun Dongqing’s head. “Hey, swearing! I killed you, swearing!”

(End of this chapter)

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