Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1985 - See if you have regressed

Chapter 1985 to see if you have regressed

“This time I asked some words from Sun Yaozu’s mouth, and I found some clues. I won’t be as impulsive as I was a few days ago.” Because the other party’s power is huge, if she has been impulsive, she will eventually harm herself.

It is not easy for her to go to today, how can she hurt herself because of impulsiveness?

Put the dumplings that are strangely packed, and know that the wrong Ye Jian has finally lifted his head and dared to look at it with President Chen. “Chen Shu, Cai Bureau also said something to you, you will talk to me. Let’s go.”

The canteen was very lively. Deng Lianchang also let the soldiers move the large color TV that usually only used to watch the news broadcast into the cafeteria, and put it on the two steel shelves that were stacked. The festive songs on the TV added the New Year to the whole canteen. atmosphere.

President Chen looked around and picked up the towel to dry the flour on his hand. On the leaf, he said: “Taro, let’s go out.”

There was snow rising outside, coming out of the cafeteria and walking along the cement road towards the playground. The light in front was very bright, but behind it was a darkness. It was like the life of Ye Jian who passed the darkness and was moving towards the light. That side is going forward.

The thin white snow left the string of footprints and extended to the playground. President Chen pointed to the obstacles usually used for physical training. “I haven’t seen your 400-meter obstacle for a long time, go, and compare with Chen Shu.”

“No, your body is just right, you can’t have such great intensity training.” Ye Jian thought that he never thought about refusing, and said: “You show me time, I will finish it.”

“The world-class sniper’s throne is not so easy to sit still, Ye Haotou, don’t underestimate Chen Shu.” She refused to useless, President Chen untied the waist belt, and then seriously put it aside, to the leaves Jane issued a challenge, “Come, gimmick, take out your strength and let Chen Shuzhen.”

The 400-meter obstacle had to run 100 meters first, then folded back to the five-step pile. Ye Jian saw the headmaster Chen finished speaking. The whole person was like an arrow from the string, and suddenly rushed out a few meters.

Let her still want to persuade her to react faster than the brain reaction. After a few seconds, she rushed out a few meters, and the five-step pile returned to President Chen to lead three steps.

“Ye Shutou, your strength will not be the only thing.”

Passing by, Ye Jian heard that Chan’s head smiled and teased, and couldn’t help but ridiculously said, “I have to leave you a face.”

“Hahaha, a big tone, then you have to see who is going to give you a face.” A serious illness and a lot of Chen’s principal has not been decadent, and he has been fighting for more than a decade. The strength of life, a jump jumped over the deep pit, the body vacated, like a tiger out of the cage and suddenly jumped over the low wall.

The playground in the army is the place that can best stimulate the **** fighting spirit of the soldiers. When Ye Jian looks at it, she is not stunned by the slightest glimpse. She has been rushing to the high and low platform, and her eyes are like an eagle.

“Not bad! A little bit strong.” President Chen jumped on the high wall and smiled at Ye Jian, who had already been with him. “Half of them have not passed, come on, hoe.”

The upper wall, the lower wall, and the low posture have passed the low pile net. Here, the leaf is much faster than the headmaster Chen. One hand is holding the elbow and the one knee is slightly hooked, so that the body is as close as possible to the snow. On the ground, the “squatting and squatting” posture is extremely flexible.

When the two feet came out of the net, they quickly climbed up and quickly turned back to the low pile net. This time she had to jump across the low pile net.

(End of this chapter)

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