Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1993 - the student surpasses the master

Chapter 1993 is blue and blue is better than blue

Ye Jian’s psychological quality is superior. She is not afraid of the leadership of the Military Discipline Inspection Commission. In particular, she also heard that Commander-in-Chief Xia could talk to herself and her mind became more and more calm.

“Please sit down, classmates.” The rank of the leader who came in was not small. The rank of the two-bar and four-star university was the highest level of the school-level officers in our military rank and had certain real power.

It’s not a rigid face coming in, but a smile on the face. First introduce myself: “I am Tan Bin who is responsible for asking your mother about some things. It is also the political commissar of your mother’s company before entering a certain army. Now he is in the General Political Department. It is also one of the members of the Military Commission.”

Ye Jian did not sit, first respected the military ceremony, said “the head is good”, and then waited for Tan University to sit down, she sat.

“You are very similar to your mother.” Tan’s school carefully looked at the cadets in front of him and smiled. “Your mother was the sharpshooter in our company. At that time, the guns were not comparable to the present, what sights, what correctors None of them are bare rifles, aiming at the target by the gun on the gun.”

“Sun Xueqing’s martyrs are not ordinary. The first time during the recruits, they directly came to the tenth ring. They shocked me and the head of the team at the time. I thought she was hit.”

“Also let her play five rounds, or send out ten rings, hey, it’s too much, a proper goddess gunner. I asked Sun Xueqing martyrs with the head of the team, did you practice it. As a result, your mother gave us An incredible answer, Ye Jian, can you guess what answer is given to us?”

Listening to my mother’s previous deeds, Jane’s heart was hot and hot, and she didn’t think that her mother’s recruits were so good!

It seems that I have inherited the strengths of my mother, and I have the guns that make the Devil and Q Kings strange.

Shaking his head, whispered: “The head, I can’t guess, my time with my mother is too short, even less than your understanding of my mother.”

This said that all the leaders who heard it were so sad that they couldn’t get along with their mothers better than others…. Hey, I heard the heart is heavy.

Tan’s school sighed a little heavy, and it was.

“Your mother told us that her eyes are sharp and the needles are very strong. I think that the bullseye is the needle eye that she wants to pass through. I think that the bullet is the line in my hand, and combined with the target of the instructor, it is easy to hit.”

It was indeed an incredible answer, and Ye Jian was shocked.

Taking the target as a needle, the mother is indeed a personal talent.

Her expression made Tan Daxiao laugh. “Yes, that’s right. At that time, my head and the leader were your expressions. I used the target as a needle. I have served for so many years, only your mother told me.”

Both of them can hear it in the dialogue monitoring room, and the cool summer commander slammed his finger on the table.

Sun Xueqing’s martyrs have such a talent, it is no wonder that Xiaoye’s talent is so high, it is clear that there is a saying: blue is better than blue!

I thought that the death of Sun Xueqing’s martyrs was a sacrifice for the battle, but the troops had wiped out the life story of her life. He suspected that there were some simple things behind the sacrifice.

Otherwise, he will not directly let the Military Discipline Inspection Commission intervene in the investigation. It is also proposed that only one team leader and one general manager will conduct detailed investigations, and then the general secretary will be responsible.

Can wipe out the life of a martyr, not yet discovered by the military, this person is not simple.

(End of this chapter)

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