Chapter 1999 is a good practice

I think that Ye Jian’s face is a little red, … she is the iron to marry the summer team.

“What should you do after you return to the southern province? Don’t be uneasy because of the military disciplinary committee’s talk. I believe you also see the attitude of the military discipline commission to you, so you don’t have to put it in your heart.” The commander-in-chief kept a gentle tone and told Ye Jian that he was an affinity and very open-minded parent. “The oldest six is ​​not with you. Dad hopes that you can spend your holidays happily, don’t give yourself a mentality. Bring a burden.”


Let the leaf that is still in the blush almost not be smothered by her own saliva, and my heart is worried and uneasy: Can’t it be my own thoughts, let the commander-in-chief see it?

The thin leaf Jane only feels that her face is hotter.

When Commander Xia saw the eyes, he laughed directly and joked: “Small leaf, leaflet, you have to be so thin with the old six. Can you remember what Dad said?”

She said that she remembered, and did not forget, the face was red to the hot leaves Jane nodded, “Remember, you need a thicker skin.”

“Yes, the face of the sixth child is thick and recognized by our family. If you want to lower him, you must first develop a more rogue thing than him. However, your young couple have their own set of things, Dad is giving Suggestions, I don’t know if it’s not feasible.”

I don’t know if the skin is thick or not?

Ye Jian silently tried to finish, and her heart slammed, how could she think so? Sitting around, but the commander-in-chief!

“In front of you, I still don’t dare to let you look at your rank.” Ye Jian knows that the commander-in-chief is so joke, because his own restraint has fallen into his eyes, Ye Jian is licking his mouth. Laughing: “I want to continue to practice cultivation and practice when I want to go to the summer team.”

Commander-in-chief Xia can be seen as the reason why the future daughter-in-law is cautious, not because she does not have enough affinity, but to fear herself in the bottom of her heart, and she has some headaches for a while.

“So visible, it is still necessary to meet more.” Commander-in-chief Xia is not just talking about, but is very serious to consider, “the military school students in the second semester of the second semester will arrange for the company to study, leaflet, or not, you Going to the military directly to study?”

Ye Jian was scared to go to the military to study as the backbone of the future. It is very likely that she will not go to the field forces. Her ambition is not to go to the military, but to the snowy brigade.

Quickly said: “There will be fakes in the future, I must come to see you in Beijing.”

“Ha ha ha, Cheng! Then say it!” The commander-in-chief laughed, even though he was wearing a military uniform, he was also an amiable elder.

I don’t know why, Ye Jian faintly feels that the commander-in-chief is his own sentence.

From the military disciplinary committee to the airport a little distance, the security guard sitting in the driver’s seat gave Ye Jian a plane at 2 pm, and the commander-in-chief of Xia looked at the time. Now, at eleven o’clock, he can still have a light meal at the airport.

Worried that the old house was waiting for him, the commander-in-chief gave a call to the old housekeeper of the old house. He told him that the old man and the old lady said that he would not go home for lunch at noon.

Ye Jian, who heard the commander-in-chief contact with the old house, was sitting in danger and was afraid of making a move.

The old housekeeper would not ask the owner’s itinerary. The commander-in-chief of Xia saw that he should have come down. He ended the conversation and continued to talk to Ye Jian about some things in his family or in the army.

Although Ye Jian is somewhat cautious, he is not cautious enough to say a word.

She is awesome to the commander-in-chief. She feels that she can express her fluency and speak fluently. The commander-in-chief asks what she can answer immediately. Without a market, it is quite calm.

However, Commander-in-Chief Xia believes that she still has a lot of room for improvement. Therefore, when the guards went to take her ticket back to the province of South China, Commander-in-Chief of the summer slogan said: “The leaflet, you can fear me in the army, but in life, No, it’s okay to talk to Dad like the sixth child.”

The ticket was almost unstable, Ye Jian only nodded, and the back was bursting with hot sweat. “You take care of your body and come back to see you next time.”

With the commander-in-chief, the heart’s ability to withstand is rising.

(End of this chapter)

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