Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 2002 - Yan Ruyulan, Qi Ruolan

Chapter 2002 Yan Ruyu Lan, Qi Ruolan

How can the commander-in-chief be embarrassed, how can the commander-in-chief be disappointed, and how can the relatives who care about her be disappointed with the loved ones who care for her?

She lives for herself, but she also lives for those who care about her and love her!

Life is alive, isn’t it a sigh of relief?

She has lost her life in her life. In this life, she only has to fight for one breath. She must fight back with the tone that she lost in her lifetime!

At the same time, she must admit that it is true that because of the relationship between the summer team and the commander-in-chief of the summer, the mother’s affairs can be re-raised.

You don’t have to be angry because you have a relationship. You should feel cherished.

Only know how to cherish, knowing the deep meaning!

She does not rely on “relationship” to have today. As Chen Shu said, if he does not have enough skills and sufficient ability, how can he get the attention of the summer team?

The mother’s affairs can be paid attention to by the Military Discipline Inspection Commission, and it is also inseparable from their own efforts!

But before that, she really didn’t think that she could wash her shame for her mother by making her outstanding way!

Ye Jian smiled, Bai Jing’s face had this smirk, like the white magnolia bloomed in the spring rain, the knot is nine petals, white as jade, it is the lead wash, clean and beautiful.

That is a smile that only a body and mind can let go, Yan Ruyulan, if the air is blue.

President Chen saw this and knew that she really understood her intentions and then easily turned the topic away. “On the second day of tomorrow, there are several fighters who want to go to the city, and Liu Tuan and Yan political commissar came this morning. On the phone, I will have dinner together tomorrow night, and I will leave tomorrow morning to have a good day.”

Since I know that the Military Discipline Inspection Commission has set up an ad hoc group to investigate the sacrifice of her mother, after Ye Jianhuan’s joy, she is really relieved, and she is very vocal: “Well, I will accompany you along.”

Shopping is not a common thing for Ye Jian. With several soldiers dressed in casual clothes, they walked into the largest department store in South Province. It’s rare to buy a piece of clothing, and Jane sneaked out the cost of living for a few months. There are also a few subsidies for the execution of the task, and I will say to the soldiers around me: “I went to the menswear area in the front for a while. You talked with the chief instructor first, so that he should not notice that I left.”

“The chief instructor is not good at dragging, you are quick and quick.” The soldiers did not have the confidence to drag the chief instructor who slammed all the instructors in the base for a long time, but the female soldiers said, they must do it.

Ye Jian smiled and said “thank you”, then President Chen did not pay attention to hurry to the front of a high-end men’s wear area.

She wants to buy a woolen suit for President Chen, and the money in the card is almost enough.

The second day of the shopping mall is very deserted, and in the new spring, the waiter is very enthusiastic to receive Ye Jian, from Ye Jian’s wearing to judge the purchasing ability, recommended a more than 800 thin wool sweater.

Ye Jian looked at a very thick, price-doubling navy blue wool coat, and took a XL code directly after reading the size. “This one can help me reconcile.”

More than 1,600 woolen clothes are expensive, and Ye Jian does not have such a expensive dress.

All the clothes of the clothes all year round are all-inclusive, and there is really no need to buy such expensive clothes.

The waiter was naturally very happy and immediately took Ye Jian to the checkout counter.

When I came back, Ye easily heard a familiar, familiar voice.

“I like this one very much. Since there is only one XL, give it to me first. I can give you cash immediately. As for the guests who check out, you will explain that you find that the clothes are flawed. Can you? ?”

Really familiar, … I have encountered Ye Ying who has not seen for a long time.

The following is the family of the abuse of the leaves, must face the face of the family, at the same time, the next volume of the characters began to debut!

(End of this chapter)

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