Chapter 2009 Self-Eating Fruits

That’s it.

I said that I didn’t dare to do it. I didn’t even have the courage to face it.

The more you say, the more you look down on it.

Ye Jian’s expression succeeded in angering Sun Dongqing, who could not stand her daughter being bullied. At this moment, her baby daughter was bullied by Ye Jian in her eyes.

She forgot Ye Zhifan’s warning, she looked at Ye Jian from her own eyes, and the sleek but sleek face showed sharp and pleasant. When Ye Jian went to the door, she seemed to have any plans. A smoky sinister smothered.

Before she closed the door, she bit her teeth and said: “Ying Ying, we should go!”

Don’t take their family into the eye! Too angry! I don’t teach her well, I can’t swallow the bad smell in my heart!

Ye Ying seems to understand her mother’s intentions, and quickly said: “I still want to buy a few clothes, Mom, let’s go to the women’s area to see.”

Said, holding Sun Dongqing’s arm hurriedly left, did not dare to look back at Ye Zhifan.

When the two mothers and daughters left, Ye Zhifan said to the manager: “Excuse me, I hope that things have not affected the shopping malls, and I hope that it is not easy to punish the two employees. They will take a step back and take things out of this door. I forgot it, the right has not happened.”

There was a hint of warning inside, and the mall manager who heard it sent it and nodded again and again. “Yes, yes, Secretary Ye said, we must remember it.”

“It’s all trivial, it’s all trivial.” Ye Zhifan didn’t want the manager to send himself, and went to the door and said: “You are busy first, don’t send me. I will accompany them to visit them.”

The mall manager with cold sweat on his back didn’t dare not listen, but he didn’t dare to send it. He just said: “I just have to go to the store to do something, just by the way, and by the way.”

And beckoning from behind, the two waiters of the show quickly came out and sent together.

Ye Zhifan, who was used to being held by people, no longer talked about it. He and the people who went to talk with the mall manager chatted about the people’s livelihood.

When I walked to the mall promenade, Ye Zhifan saw the scene she didn’t want to see the most.

He saw that Sun Dongqing suddenly accelerated and slammed into the back of Ye Jian.

It’s a bit far away, and I didn’t hear Sun Dongqing’s cleverness saying, “Good dogs don’t block the way!”

Being a special soldier trained Ye Jian to deal with her is a very simple matter, feeling the back of the strange, she is agile sideways, but also slightly extended the foot.

Want to harm her?

Try the taste of “self-eaten evil fruit”.

Several mall staff on duty, a cleaner, saw a woman dressed in extravagance and a little fat, like a piece of fat falling from the top of the sticky board, and a “squeaky” dull sound slammed A five-body vote.

The manager who came out together and saw it, couldn’t take two slaps!

What to send!

Sending more things!

I saw with my own eyes that the Secretary’s wife was not able to harm others, and she was hurting herself…. How could he be so unlucky!

The store manager didn’t know what kind of expression he should use to face Secretary Ye.

The sideline of the leaf was slightly swept down, and the faintly stunned Sun Dongqing fell to his feet. It was not too light, but also wrestled.

Lifting the scorpion, after a certain distance, he swept his eyes and looked at Ye Zhifan, who was unclear. He glanced at the corner of his mouth, revealing a light smile that made Ye Zhifan’s heart suddenly sink.

I haven’t waited for him to read what he meant. Ye Jian has turned around and left from the fall of Sun Dongqing, who hasn’t moved yet.

(End of this chapter)

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