Chapter 2014 Summer Home

Over there, Ye Zhifan and Du’s deputy chief of staff had three patrols, and the dishes were very happy. The people who talked with Xia Yiwei turned their heads and looked at the box with the sound coming from behind. They nodded lightly. “Good, summer. The secretary is relieved, I will contact you again if there is something.”

Xia Yiwei looked up and saw the man who was playing chess with the old man in the tea room. The lowland “hmm” gave a phone call.

I don’t know what medicine the old man sells in the gourd. Usually playing chess is to solve the problem, and the next week will be almost the same. This time, I had a New Year’s Eve dinner on the 30th night of the New Year. The old man let Hou Wei accompany him to play chess. The first day is the same, the second day is the same. In addition to the meal, the rest of the time is used to play chess.

What made her even more surprised was Hou Wei, a sly guy who had such a good patience and accompanied the father in a game.

Laoziye didn’t speak, he wouldn’t talk to him in the morning, he couldn’t stand it.

Let a man who wants to find something in his free time for one minute, accompany the father to finish the game and play chess. After finishing the game, he can’t talk…

Xia Yiwei also looked at the man sitting in the knees, and then looked at the old man who was white and pale, and forget it, she still talked with the old lady.

Xia Jia is a big family, the old man Xia Yunkui is born in the prestige, the ancestors are the official generation;

The old lady Su Shijingli topped the famous Shuxiangmen Di Shijia, although the ancestors were not as good as the summer family, but at that time the Su family had women and hundreds of families.

The old lady had four sons and one daughter in total, except Xia Yiwei’s father, the second son of Mrs. Sue’s second son, Xia Anbang, who died in public service. The other three sons and one woman all had a good future.

Every time in the New Year, the quiet Xiajia old house is the most lively, and the younger generation of the family rushed back to the old house to accompany the old man and the old lady to live a happy reunion year.

But there are also those who can’t come back. For example, Xia Jinyuan, the majority of the juniors are from the army, scattered in China’s five lakes and four seas, it is normal to see it all year round.

For the Xiajia people, it is normal to not meet for several years.

When Xia Yiwei came over, the eldest brother Xia Lingyu of the generation mentioned the sixth child, that is, Xia Jinyuan. “I haven’t met with the sixth child for four years. I thought I could meet him this time and see the top of my home. What the famous King of the World has become, and there is no chance.”

“Big brother, you haven’t met with the old six or four years. I haven’t met with the sixth year for more than four years.” A younger, more imposing man stripped the orange and said: “The old six told me that I am scared to apply to the military academy, and the demon king also wants to test the military school? Xia Jiada incident!”

He is the third brother of Xia Jinjin, who is engaged in the research and development of the guide (bomb), and is an engineering engineering research engineer working in the northwest of China.

After being transferred to the northwest for four years, he did not return home. There was no telephone in four years. Until a guide (bomb) successfully developed and produced large-scale production, he had to visit for one month.

Xia Jinyuan’s eldest brother also joined the military camp. He is the eldest son of the Dasha Xia’an. He is forty-one years old and is now the brigade of a brigade.

Du Kaiwei, the eldest son of the deputy chief of staff of Du, is not very worried about Xia Jia Lao Si, Xia Yiwei’s brother Xia Yuxi, who is 36 years old this year, and is serving in a brigade in the Nanguang Military Region. His position is also a group, but the rank is more than Du Kaiwei. A higher level, the rank of colonel.

Fortunately, the New Year’s clothing is dressed in casual clothes, otherwise the uniform of a house, the rank of a house is scary enough.

(End of this chapter)

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