Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 2023 - Mainly look at temperament

Chapter 2023 mainly looks at temperament

Weaving the birds and walking are not intentionally difficult. The only thing we do is to deepen mutual understanding as soon as possible.

Ye Jian only knows that the snow squad will have comrades to pick up himself, but I don’t know who will pick it up. As the crowd goes to the exit, she is about five meters away from the exit, and the line of sight is picked up. Sweep through the crowd.

The weavers who were mixed in the crowd looked at the passengers who arrived in Tianjin in the early morning, and the sights were also swept through the crowds they came.

When the gaze’s eyes fell on a young girl who walked upright and had no mention of anything in her hand, she had a smile in her eyes. “In front, nine points, height 168, short hair, black coat, no luggage… …”

At this point, his gaze has been directly on the line of sight of the girl in a black coat. He has not finished talking about her characteristics. The five-minded girl is indeed a stunning girl laughing at herself.

Less than a second after his sight fell on her, the girl also locked him and smiled at herself.

“Identity confirmation.” The smiling geese on the face finished the whole paragraph, raised their hands, and waved toward the coming leaves.

The same laughter, the light voice, and the sound quickly said: “…there is a good enough! It is no wonder that the guys who met her only need to mention one, and the most like to say “beautiful beauty”, this is not beautiful… ”

“What is it?” In the eyes, there are also amazing geese that are also flying fast. They have to finish before Ye Jian approaches, and she will be embarrassed when she hears it.

“Stupid you, you have to be stunning!” Keeping your smile unchanged, you can’t see your lips and move around quickly. They are no longer speaking. They are specially trained special forces. Basic lip language must know a little… … Ye Jian definitely understands.

The reason why Ye Jian can recognize the comrades of the Snowy Brigade is the same as the recognition of her, mainly in two aspects, first: temperament, second: eyes.

As a strictly trained soldier, their temperament is often different from ordinary people, and Ye Jian saw that the two people in casual clothes had sharp eyes that passed through the smoke.

Ye Jian, who smiled at them, stepped up and walked over.

The weaving bird is a southerner. It is a northerner. If it is not the two people who introduce themselves, Ye Jian really can’t see a north, a south, a physique and a height, and there is no local accent. It is really hard to find.

As the scouts of the scouts introduced themselves, they quickly explained why they would come over to pick up the plane. “The pigeons told us that you can definitely see them at a glance. I think you can definitely recognize us, but you also need to It’s only a few tens of seconds, but you are only two seconds behind me.”

“You know it very well, and you just looked at it with my eyes, it is easier for me to notice.” The two men shook hands and briefly introduced their own leaves and said: “The same temperament, the same look, It’s hard to think of it.”

The weaving finch and the squatting laughed low, and the two men went out with Ye Jian, and the pigeons waiting for the morning saw the figure of the three people, laughing and welcoming the past, “Happy New Year, Ye simple.”

“Happy New Year.” Ye Jian saw the comrades he knew, and smiled a little deeper with his lips. “How many days do you feel that you are a little fat?”

“No, this can be seen?” The pigeons laughed lowly, and the extremely soft and soft laughter came from shallow, so that Ye Jian couldn’t help but listen to it. She couldn’t bear to walk into the footsteps. So as not to affect the enjoyment of listening.

(End of this chapter)

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