Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 2030 - Never change faith

Chapter 2030, the belief that never changes

“Throw in.” The local language was low, and some of them said awkwardly. Then they heard two “plop” sounds, and when they opened their eyes, they only saw a few backs.

The **** suffocation came, and everyone in the darkness changed dramatically, and quickly explored the past.

“Party! Jianggong!”

Shouting in a low and rush, two weak voices were heard.

I haven’t waited for ten people to go around, and the footsteps that are far away came again. When they touched the bodies of the two engineers, the iron gates opened again, and several figures rushed in from the glare.

“Xiao Ding, hide behind!” Someone hurriedly sipped a sentence and squeezed himself to the front.

The few figures who came in did not say anything. They pointed to the two people who were closest to themselves. They were different and fiercely drink in the local language. “You, you, stand up!”

Not waiting for the two engineers who were ordered to stand up, there were four people rushing over and forcing two engineers to leave.

“Hey!” The iron gate closed again and the calm was restored in the basement, but the haze had covered everyone’s mind.

If it is said that their identity is discovered, it is impossible to take away only two or two. If they do not find their identity, what should they do with their corporate engineers?

Some people take care of the colleague who used the sentence. Some people hold the hand of a young man with glasses and write down the words “stick to the last” in his palm.

The two men were dragged out and tortured. In a few days, everyone will suffer a round of suffering. They have sent the robbed satellite signals back to the country, and the country’s military operational capabilities will come to rescue them soon. Under the premise of discovering identity, just licking the past will be fine!

As an engineering and technical soldier, they always believe that their country will come to rescue them!

The “Fang” surname engineer lying down and unable to move is trembled on the palm of his comrade-in-arms. “The data destruction started.”

All the information is on the computer they carry with them. One of them is very important. The information related to the military is not required to be sent back to the country in time because of the need to improve the data…. This information is very important, if it cannot be returned in time. Domestic is worse than direct destruction.

If you can’t confirm whether there is surveillance, all the important words are all hand-written, and then they will face what they don’t know. The people who hijack them all have guns. In addition to waiting for safety, they have no choice.

The sea breeze blows the sea and blows away the last trace of heat left in the day. The sea is cold.

Although the country is in the winter, but here is the sun, the beach, the bikini, and the members of the snowy team on the island quickly advance through the FELIN device.

Bone conduction McLean came the voice of Ye Jian, “two in the east and south, two in the post, four in the target.”

“Received, I, weaving the bird to solve the east.” The voice of the walking came low.

In the dense foliage, Ye Jian and Bai He both slammed together, silently, and the sound of the leaves swaying did not fly close to the target. They took a slap in the way to complete the sneak attack from the back by twisting the neck.

Ye Jian is also good at night fighting, and has no chance to struggle with other parties to solve the goal with Baihe at the same time.



The east and south squadrons were cleared, and the remaining six quickly searched with guns. The tall trees and dense leaves became their final cover. The ten people all approached the final destination at a ghostly speed.

I went out to work today, … I only got four thousand words at night.

Good night

(End of this chapter)

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