Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 2044 - Individual combat

Chapter 2044 Single Individual Operations

This kind of assault is a very dangerous attack. Once it is discovered that the whole person is exposed, and if there is a gun in the other side, it can be said that it will be used as a live target.

The reason why Ye Jian dared to do this was because the two targets were walking separately, and there were two trees in the middle, and the other target was blocked from seeing her.

As a special soldier, you must learn how to win a life in the most dangerous environment, and the professional skills are the guarantee to win the first line of life!

Ye Jane is a daring and special soldier. Coupled with the ability of the former generation to be pursued by Ye Ying, he has the instinct to avoid danger and avoid the harm. She can quickly judge how best to act, and will not cause the other party. doubt.

At this point, even if the second goal is only two trees away from her, her bold shots have not caused doubts until the first goal is resolved.

Calm and calm response, quiet and embarrassing, as a special soldier’s Ye Jian has been able to fight alone.

The second goal is that the companion is still leaning against the tree, but there is no movement under the foot. The whole person seems to be too tired to rest on the tree.

Lightly slamming toward his companion, he swept the guns in the four directions, feeling that there was nothing wrong with the two trees that were between the two men coming over.

He came down low and didn’t know what to say. The leaf behind the hidden trunk didn’t understand. She didn’t care what the other person said when she listened to the footsteps. She calculated in her mind how much the other person was from herself. far.

As the other side approached step by step, the silver wire wrapped around the combat gloves slowly loosened, and when the distance was close enough to hear the other party’s breathing, Ye Jian suddenly recovered the silver wire.

The target body that had already died was out of support, and the whole person planted it in the past.

The target that came close suddenly realized that something was wrong, and took the gun in his hand and shot it behind the tree.

Ye Jian’s proximity to the audible breath is an opportunity not to shoot at the other party.

His shooting action has not yet fully unfolded, and Ye Jian rushed directly from behind the tree, clasping the opponent’s right hand with one hand, and twisting the first to screw the gun in the other hand.

Her movements were quite fast, and each step was extraordinarily accurate. The gun in the target was screwed, and the elbow was lifted up and slammed into the chin, so that he not only did not shout, but almost snapped his tongue. .

He has not waited for him to return to God from the pain of his tongue being bitten. The sky and the earth are instantly reversed, and the whole person falls down on the side of the ground.

This is a trained foreign man who fell to the head of Venus. He endured the pain of his shoulders and completed two tumbling attacks to avoid Ye Jian’s attack. At the same time, his hand touched his pocket.

He wants to shoot a gun, but he doesn’t have a gun in his pocket.

Realizing that he didn’t have a gun, he thought of running away, but just turned around and the heart position suddenly hit a foreign object.

“Is it looking for it?”

With a pistol in his hand, the leaves are faint, the bullets complete the upper jaw, the slender fingers are lightly placed on the trigger, and the cold muzzle is aimed at the heart position of the target to be solved. “Unfortunately, you lost it.”

The man with his tongue biting into the flesh and blood tumbling and unable to snoring loudly gasped, he was a little scared, but he didn’t have a hand, he raised his hands and fingers and moved lightly. He wanted to try to grab the pistol.

(End of this chapter)

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