Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 2052 - Fart is not a guy

Chapter 2052, the guy who is not fart is the guy

He groaned, but also lowered his posture, what arrogance, what prejudice all went to hell, in order to save his life, he kept soft, “Let’s shoot, Jack, only you can kill him. ”

“Really, I believe in your ability. I can’t do it. I must admit that it is not as good as you. You are really the most powerful and brave Chinese I have ever met. I am really happy to be friends with you. It is me. The honor.”

It’s really not a normal acknowledgment. No way, he is really scared. Especially when the other party is so relaxed and easy to kill a few companions, he would rather bow to a Chinese person and don’t want his own life to be gone.

This time, he spoke to the **** Chinese.

Just this time!

He swears to God that there will never be a second time!

The fear in my heart made Job lay down the ridiculous arrogance, but Xia Jinyuan was quite calm, and did not put his hypocritical words into his heart.

Hearing the words, the elegant smile filled with a sigh of relief, slowly sneered and said: “Remember, is the gun in your hand a pendulum? You have not always been very powerful? You can shoot yourself.”

“And, you are the most powerful guy. Where can I compare with a Chinese who is with you? Be brave and shoot, don’t let me look down on you.”

The enemy of the enemy is a friend. How can he shoot a friend?

Even if the other party clears everyone on the island, as long as he is not exposed, he will never shoot.

Joe was so angry that he knew that he was being laughed at, and the person who laughed at himself was still a Chinese who had always looked down.

Just the soft clothes have been the biggest concession of Job, originally thought that his attitude is soft, the other party must be very grateful to himself, who knows that he even laughed at his timid!

Joe’s face, biting his teeth, resentfully said: “You **** Chinese, you will pay for your timid behavior, pay the price!”

“If you don’t go out, you will be killed by those guys! You will be killed!”

His behavior like a clown can make Xia Jinyuan anger, only exchanged for the deeper sarcasm of Xia Jinjin, and told him seriously: “Do not worry, even if you are killed, I will not have something.”

“You can rush out, I will never stop you. As long as you are not afraid that you will be killed, you may think that you have the ability to kill them, you can rush out to be a hero, um, like a superman!”

“Do you want me to kill you with this gun?” The arrogant Joe raised his gun and dared to laugh at him? Very good, he will let this **** Chinese know what is the end of his Joe!

The cold pistol aimed at Xia Jinyuan’s forehead. He always looked down on the Chinese and black people. Job said coldly. His eyes were up and killing. He really wanted to kill Xia Jinyuan with a pistol.

In the face of the threat to Xia Jinjin, he smacked the thin lips, and he was not afraid of him. He was gentle, slow, and whispered in the tone to make the other person suffocate. “Don’t dare to rush out to help others, but dare to hold The gun is facing me, Mr. Job, your timidity makes me look down on you more.”

“Do you know why I don’t like to talk to you? Because every sentence you say makes me look down, it makes me feel sick. You are the guy who I have seen the most timid, self-righteous, and not even a fart. “”

(End of this chapter)

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