Chapter 2067 kills a **** road

Ye Jian was a female sniper, a female soldier who was taught by a first-class sergeant. She realized that she had mistakenly corrected the mistake and no longer affected herself.

She is a soldier who is carrying out a task. At this moment, personal feelings must be behind, nothing is more important than her own mission!

This is what a soldier should have! It is also a must-have!

The three people started from the island nearly two hours later than the pigeons. When the pigeons took the vehicles arranged by the embassy, ​​the three people who received the port positioning were still driving the speedboat at sea.

“The first batch of engineers have all been arranged, their luggage has been sent to the airport, the plane flying back to China is 4:08 in the morning, and there are two hours and 19 minutes from the plane. The three of them are likely to catch Can’t return to the first flight!”

The pigeons that had communicated with the embassy had a dignified face and told the comrades in the car. “The second flight needs to wait until four in the afternoon…. This is a very troublesome thing. They need nearly twelve hours to return home.”

Twelve hours is not a long one. In this long wait, no one can guarantee that there will be an accident!

“antonio is not only an arms dealer, but even the taxis here belong to his company. The whole city is full of his power, and he is afraid that there will be problems in the middle.”

After the pigeons finished, the car was quiet and audible.

The long eagle sighed and said: “I will stay to support them! There must be change, we will kill a **** road.”

“Antonio’s power is too great, the government forces are not willing to fight against him, **** a **** road!” Chilu immediately denied that the military officer from the northwest region is not handsome, but the long-term military career has made him eyebrows With a lot of eyes to see, he felt his neck sharpened by his sight. He held a rifle and said coldly: “If you really want to be discovered, the Q king will be more dangerous. He is still in the camp of antonio. !”

This means that if Ye Jian was discovered by antonio, antonio would most likely think that Xia Jinyuan, who is Chinese, deliberately let go of Ye Jian.

When the time is not Ye Jian, the three of them are in danger, and the Q King in the execution of the mission will be in danger.

The blood swallows who are dismantling the guns raise their heads and calmly add, “There are still a few brothers in the base, and you have to count them into it.”

Once the accident may be more than just the Q king, there are a few brothers in the base!

In an instant, the atmosphere in the car is more dignified.

“Q Wang is not considered by us for the time being. Different tasks can’t interfere.” Although they are worried about their safety, they are not able to go to the multi-tube. The voice is like an ice-like pigeon. “The ambassador The museum made the worst arrangement. If the Jade Birds were discovered by Antonio, they could only sneak back to the country.”

“I hope they can get out of peace and spend the twelve hours they have stayed here.”

No one talks anymore, abandoning his comrades to leave first… This is forcing them to do so.

“With the military…”

The eagles just mentioned the military and knew that the pigeons he wanted to say interrupted with a smile. “The military has contacted me. We must leave first. They have a lot of information about defense military defense. We can’t stay.” Come down.”

“I also told the embassy. Can we let the plane take off one hour later? It is also not the case. The engineers stay here for an hour. The country is more than an hour of danger. The information on Jianggong is too important. …In the event of an accident, our country will suffer unpredictable losses. Very, very large, not what we can think of.”

…… There is no code word today, there is a lot of things on hand, and I ran all day outside.

(End of this chapter)

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