Chapter 2033 is shameful

At this time, Ye Jian really did not want to see the two mothers and daughters who came to themselves. However, the frame of these two mothers and daughters obviously returned to the former shameful arrogance, and there was even more hate in the brow to let the world know his home. There is a happy event.

Especially Sun Dongqing, that look is like all beings are humble, she is alone in the top of the top, walking with their own wind.

Ye Jian only saw the two mothers and daughters who wanted to move around and then sat down again. If she left, she would have thought she was afraid.

I am really embarrassed. She may not have such a strong heart for others. But for Sun Dongqing, she and her mother and daughter really have to have a strong heart, if they are not, they will be even more talented!

Ye Ying has already seen that Ye Jian has cried. Seeing this, the cherry-like little lips lifted out a sweet smile, and Ye Jian cried, she even laughed, not only laughing, but also laughing sweetly, laughing. It’s beautiful!

Let her know, don’t think that a college entrance examination defeat can defeat her Ye Ying!

The cold-eyed Ye Ying fluttered and sat down, his eyes did not dare to look at Ye Jian, who was watching with himself. He was worried about asking Sun Dongqing: “Mom, do you say that I can go directly to the Beijing political group this time? I still have some points in my heart.” Worried.”

She not only smiles sweetly, smiles beautifully, but also reveals the laughter that the winner only has!

Using words and deeds to suppress others, but Sun Dongqing’s strengths, Ye Ying followed her, heard the words, immediately realized and smiled: “My baby daughter, what are you worried about?”

“As far as your looks and talents are, you can dance and dance, you can play the piano. The leaders have said that as long as you have no problems with your body, you can enter the army.”

“The leader also said that it is a pity that a talented girl like you does not go to the army. After going through the military for a few years, what kind of fetal bones have gone?”

“I have been reborn.” Ye Ying sprinkled her mother’s words, and looked like a very embarrassed, low-headed, “I just don’t be practical, so I want my mother to enlighten me.”

Said that so many did not see Ye Jian’s reaction, Sun Dongqing bite the secret in his heart, “Small monks, I can bear it! Today is not good to force you, she will not surname Sun.”

She showed a bit of viciousness. She gently patted Ye Ying to the arm of her arm and kindly teased. “How can I not be practical? Everything has become, waiting for your medical report to be sent, the experts will give you a new If you have a consultation, you can go directly to the troop report, and you will be fine. What is not practical.”

“Because I can go to the army suddenly, I am not really at ease.” Ye Ying held Sun Jinqing’s arm and pouted a small mouth. The little daughter was full of charm. “It used to be so difficult to get in. I came back from France. Into, and still into the Beijing political group, I just like dreaming, I can’t believe it.”

The two mothers and daughters intentionally slowed down and said that while they came over, they were about one meter away from Ye Jian. Ye Ying was still indifferent to Ye Jianxiao Yingying’s question: “Happy New Year, Ye Jian. You are not a military student. Do you know the troops very well, can you tell me how I said before that I can’t enter the army, now I can?”

She intends to go back to Ye Jian to find the face she has lost in the past, and she will let go of Ye Jian, and then ask people: “I can’t really think about it, but I didn’t think it happened to me. If it is replaced by You are an orphan without a father or a mother. The troops say no to you, oh, I dare say that you will never want to go in this life!”

(End of this chapter)

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