Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 2078 - Difficult to open

Chapter 2078 is difficult to open

Du’s deputy chief of staff will not move for a while, but the investigation of Ye Zhifan’s side has already begun.

At this time, the South China official residence in the New Year was still calm, and the film was handed over to the commander of the summer commander Ye Jian, who left the provincial capital in the evening, and she needed to return to Shuikou Village to retrieve her mother’s relics.

Last year, Cai Bureau came to the night to hand over the relics that Sun Xueqing had entrusted to him to the principal of Chen. Ye Jian has not seen it until now, and President Chen mentioned that she still has her relics.

In addition, Ye Zhifan also has the relics of Sun Xueqing’s martyrs.

Thinking of her mother, the leaves of the train slid gently against the train window, slowly closing her eyes to cover the sorrow in the bottom of the squat, and the brilliance of the show’s brows reveals the strength of the waist.

“Shantou, Cai Bureau brought back the relics of Sun Xueqing’s martyrs. I am hiding in the mezzanine compartment. You will get it back first. Ye Zhifan also has the relics of Sun Xueqing’s martyrs. This is the miss that your mother left for you, and you have to get it back. ”

“Today, Ye Zhifan is proud of a spring breeze. You should first avoid the thoughts that they left your mother to you. The family will not be proud of it for a long time.

She was incompetent in her previous life, and she did not see any relics about her mother. She did not even know that Ye Zhifan had the remains of her mother!

In this life, you must never commit the stupidity of previous lives. It is necessary to correct all the mistakes of previous life one by one!

The head of the school flashed over Chen’s embarrassment, and the leaf that was secretly adjusting his breathing gradually became calm. Soon, soon, Ye Zhifan’s current appearance seems to be a beautiful embroidered, but he does not know that he has sent Ye Ying into the army. Your own career.

And let them be proud of it for a while, how high it is to climb, how much it hurts to fall!

She waited for the family to fall into the mud from the clouds!

Back to Shuikou Village, it was around 5:00 pm the next day, when the village was blowing smoke and the food was fragrant.

The village has a good annual taste. The door of every household is attached to the Spring Festival couplet, with red lanterns. The leaves with shallow smiles thank you for the invitation of the villagers to return to their homes.

The home is still the original appearance, the green tile, the white wall, all the grass and wood are so familiar.

“吱 吱 ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” All the defenses in the house can make you feel at ease.

When the line of sight fell to the two large chairs in the main hall, Ye Jian had a sour eye.

That is the big chair that Grandpa loves to sit on. The old man is sitting in a big chair, and she is sitting in another big chair, listening quietly to the old man, listening to him teaching himself how to behave, listening to him teaching himself how to stand. World, listen to him to teach himself, listen to him to educate himself…

Things are human and the home is still there, but the old man who is single-minded for himself is not there.

The leaf squinted at the corner of the mouth and walked over to the big chair step by step. Then he sat down slowly, leaning slightly against the big chair, and listening to the posture of the old uncle as before.

“Grandpa, Ye Zhifan will soon be down. You see, I finally waited for this day. You told me before, some things can’t be radical, not more urgent, I always remember your words, wait, look forward to, Keeping… Now it’s finally, I’m really happy.”

(End of this chapter)

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