Chapter 2082 Dust Settles

Ye Jian has already learned from the tone of the commander-in-chief of the summer that the officialdom of the southern province is not calm, but Ye Zhifan, who has not yet received the letter, is still immersed in the joy of his daughter Ye Yingjin.

Ye Ying, who got the authoritative result after the medical examination and handed in all the information, quickly received the notice of enlistment. At this time, there is still one month from the spring conscription. Ye Ying, who has help from Du, is ahead of anyone. Get a notice of enlistment.

The reported troops are not the other places, it is the Beijing political group that Ye Zhifan wants to send Ye Ying.

“Well, this is really relieved!!” Ye Zhifan, who received the letter of Ye Ying’s enlistment from the post office, looked at the name written inside, and his face had a deep smile that could not be suppressed.

The red hard surface reads the golden font of the “Enlisted Notice”, … is that this notice has not been able to get the best of his power, but he accidentally got it.

When Du, the deputy chief of staff nodded, he had not had many surprises. He only felt that things had changed. The daughter might have entered the army.

Afterwards, he applied for, checked, and sent information… He didn’t feel much happy. After all, there was a variable in everything. As long as he didn’t know it, he chose to visit.

Up to now, I got the “Notice of Enlisting”, and all the dust settled. Ye Zhifan, who has always been so suffocated, really believed in Du’s deputy chief of staff, and the heavy stone in his heart really landed.

Ye Zhifan was suspicious, and this matter was the behind-the-scenes plan behind the jade, and it was guessed that the jade behind the scenes let Sun Yaozu monitor him. He was no longer convinced that he was no longer behind the scenes. I believe that Du’s deputy chief of staff can really send Ye Ying to the army.

Now, he believes!

“The enlistment notice was collected, and the costumes were distributed and Dad accompanied you to report in Beijing.” Ye Zhifan handed the “Notice of Enlistment” to Ye Ying, and he felt comfortable with his smile. “We still have to I went to Beijing a few days in advance and went to Dujia to visit Mrs. Li. Thank you for her interest in you.”

If it is not Mrs. Li who likes Ye Ying’s obedience, Du’s deputy chief of staff will not be so happy to open the back door to Ye Ying.

This matter can be seen that the Du family is indeed the head of Mrs. Li, who can decide the decision of the deputy chief of staff.

Ye Ying’s smile on the face of the “Enlisted Notice” was not scattered. After receiving the notice, she heard the words and nodded hard. She said: “If it’s not Mrs. Li’s words, how can Du’s deputy chief of staff Dad, I am not only to thank Mrs. Li, but I also want to respect Mrs. Li.”

Because as long as she is supported by Mrs. Li, her life in Beijing will not be too bad!

When the time… At that time… The finger gently touched the “Yuwu Notice” and the words of Yingying Weidi lowered their eyes. The autumn-like apricot eyes had a gloomy twilight flying fast, and then she was at a proper time. At the time, she mentioned the name of Ye Jian to Mrs. Li. At that time, she could use Mrs. Li to clean up Ye Jian!

Although Ye Zhifan was happy, she did not miss the change on Ye Ying’s face. She saw a little more sorrow in her expression. I probably guessed that some of his face was deep and smiled. “It’s not easy for you to go to this stage. I cherish this hard-won opportunity. After I stabilize my position, let other things be put aside for the time being. Don’t let me know because I have lost it.

(End of this chapter)

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