Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 2087 - One game will win or lose

Chapter 2087, a game will win or lose

With this videotape, she can let Mrs. Li hate Ye Ying from this, and will not let her enter again!

With this videotape, she can let Ye Ying fall into the painful abyss and taste all the pains she has suffered in her previous life!

The investigation by the Discipline Inspection Commission will only make Ye Zhifan unlucky, it is difficult to involve Ye Ying, and this videotape is the lifeblood of Ye Ying, the lifeblood of their family, so that Ye Ying no longer has a day!

At Hou Yi’s home, Ye Jian put a total of four copies of the videotape. She planned to send one copy to the commander-in-chief of Xia, one to Mrs. Li, the master tape to be kept by Hou Han, and one to take it away.

She won’t let the summer team’s efforts be wasted. This video tape is a knife that breaks Ye Ying’s broken road. She won’t be merciless and will not be soft!

Hou Yu, who sent Ye Jian, took the master tape and went back upstairs. Xia Yiwei, who had already woke up in a nap, was getting up and getting dressed.

When she heard the movement, she turned and asked, “Is the leaflet? Going?”

“She still has something, can’t she go?” Put the master tape in the safe in the hidden closet. Hou Hao didn’t give Xia Yiwei a chance to get up. She hugged her waist and rolled it onto the bed. She took her and did not do anything to let her sleep. In my arms.

Xia Yiwei, who was asleep, also had the spirit, resting his shoulders, and asked: “How do you take the videotape back again? Do you want to lobular yourself?”

This is a videotape that can make Ye Zhifan angry, and there is no reason for Xiaoye.

“This is the master tape, she prepared four copies to leave. You, don’t take the young lady’s wife, you are really worse than her heart.” Hou Han sideways, the pair is no longer young, but still charming eyes Gazing at the lover in my arms, sighed: “She is absolutely a natural pair with the sixth, even the style of doing things is very similar, the temper is similar, both are heavy and heavy. It is much stronger than when we were young.”

“The old six and Ye Jian are both understanding people, knowing how to get along with each other for a long time, unlike us when we were young, we have become a hedgehog after getting along for a long time. We must stop the other person from getting bloody.”

Like Xia Jinjin, he didn’t want his wife to worry too much, and naturally turned the topic to the two.

When it comes to youth, Xia Yiwei’s attention turned away, and her face showed a hint of helplessness in the past.

However, it is because of those experiences that the other side is the most suitable one.

Seeing Hou Wei’s embarrassment for those things that have passed, I can’t help but laugh: “We are different from the sixth, and the sixth and the small leaves are both soldiers. They know how to restrain themselves.”

“We both are stinky. When we are young, we don’t want to polish and polish. Maybe we have to make a divorce incident when we are old, so that the children and grandchildren will worry.”

Hou Yu thought for a moment and felt that his wife made a lot of sense, but since he mentioned the children and grandchildren…, then there must be children with grandchildren, and the time is right, let’s make it first.

After shutting down the phone and unplugging the phone line, Hou Wei took Xia Yiwei and devoted himself to the child-building plan.

The old six has asked him to complete his work, the chess game has been determined, and then how to go is Ye Jian’s own business, so that her temperament does not have to think deeply and know that she will not be ill-treated, and will definitely look at Ye’s defeat.

After Sun Yaozu’s case, he knows a little about the old sixth wife. The old six-year-old daughter who is quietly looking at the overall situation will definitely be very calmly arranged. Her own woman will have less to worry about, and think more about how to make a successful child. That’s right.

(End of this chapter)

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