Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 2110 - Clear calculation

Chapter 2110, the calculation, the calculation

“That depends on your aunt’s mood, and his own mood.” Referring to Li Lannian, Mrs. Li’s attitude is quite cold. “Neither of them is better.”

She has no feelings for her big brother, and even more, he is still incompatible with the current Mrs. Li.

Li Yuan, who closed his eyes and raised his spirit, smiled and laughed: “Li Yannian will not come, cousin and cousin will definitely come. Because, as long as Li Xiaonian hates things, both of their sisters like it.”

“Also, Li Lannian will definitely not come.” Du Jiayi nodded thoughtfully.

The family of Daxie said that the complex is not complicated, mainly because the current aunt does not like the original Li Shengnian, and he only wants to fight for the family and daughter who he was born.

It’s not that Li’s years are not sensible, mainly because the aunt’s son can’t tolerate the sons he left behind, and he has to make a few things from time to time, so that Li’s relationship with Daxie is also quite poor.

Fortunately, Li Lannian joined the army. He stayed at the seaside for a year and couldn’t return home once a year. So, so far, the Datun family is still calm.

Like what I thought of, Mrs. Li’s eyes suddenly disappeared. Shen Dao: “Lie is returning, Li Yuan, you have gone to the ancestors in the past few days. Your grandfather still has a grandson, Li Lannian, don’t let the benefits give him. Occupy!”

Li Yuan pulled his mouth and refused. “No, no meaning, let the sister go, she likes the baby in the hands of her grandfather.”

“You don’t go, I am going! Just four days off, I can go with my grandfather, little grandmother.” Du Jiayi took it, she also thought about the baby in her grandfather’s hands, those are antiques, it is said that there are many It was the palace baby that my grandfather swept down as a warlord!

The little grandmother who wants to take out the baby in her grandfather’s hand is sure to be happy to go!

Mrs. Lai nodded: “Yes, don’t provoke Li Lannian in the past! Although your grandfather wants to leave good things to me with you, but Li Lannian is the father and grandson of Li, although his grandfather hurts you, but never Will cross the grandson!”

When the family is in the car, they whisper from time to time until they return home to end the topic.

When she returned to her home, Li Lannian sat at a certain age at this time. The whole set was in a yellow pear-wood sofa, and she was cold and accompanied by the two old people.

Said to be accompanying, in fact, but sit aside, listen quietly.

“Tomorrow is the birthday of Jiayi’s girl. Father, you see that the third child is now back. If you can’t help tomorrow, let the younger brothers go with them, let the third child recognize the person, don’t go later. It’s too rude to go out and even anyone who knows it.”

Mrs. Xiaoli, who is talking, is wearing an old-fashioned hairstyle. She is fifteen years younger than Li’s father. She is well-maintained, her hair is still black and green, and her old-fashioned cheongsam temperament is extraordinarily elegant and dignified.

The speed of speech is not too slow, with a soft tone, listening to know that she has a good voice when she was young.

Li Xiaonian, who has never been snoring, mentioned his name, raised his eyes, and said indifferently: “I have limited holidays, I still need a meeting tomorrow, sorry, no time.”

“This way, I am not thinking about it.” Mrs. Xiaoli said with some disappointment, looked at the old man and thought about it again: “That is still to take me, not to worry about the New Year.”

“As for the gift, Father, do you want to give the girl’s picture of the second child to Jiayi? This girl likes it for a long time, I have not been willing to give it.”

(End of this chapter)

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