Chapter 2123, rip the egg, you

“The devil, perhaps may think that the so-called familiarity is actually the sorrow between the strong and the strong.” Looking at this rather stubborn comrade-in-arms, Xia Jinyuan has some helplessness, “I have done very detailed on Ye Jian. The investigation, the military also investigated, Devil, I can really tell you that she has nothing to do with the Li family.”

“If there is, I have not investigated it. The military will definitely investigate it. The three generations of her family have detailed information. You want more.”

Regarding the confession of his comrades, Li Lannian only faintly said, “I believe in my instincts.”

Hell intuition!

Xia Jinyuan sighed in his heart and saw that he insisted on this. His handsome and dull, he reminded: “There have been some things in Ye Jian recently. If you can’t check it, I hope that you can push it backwards. I don’t want to investigate because of your investigation. Outside the branch.”

“Yes.” Li Yannian beheaded, he will be cautious when it comes to Ye Jian, but… He asked a little bit of a thin lip. “What is Ye Jian’s entanglement? What made you nervous? ?”

“No, it’s not Ye Jian’s accident. What is the reason, sorry, devil, no comment. I only hope that your investigation can be slow.”

Intuition that Ye Jian has a relationship with Li Jia, he does not know what to say, go check it, check it, check it out will not check again.

I have to go to the military department, Li Lannian, who has not stayed again, and opened the ward and strode away.

In the ward, Xia Jinyuan, who has been fighting for more than ten days in high intensity, looked up with some dizzy forehead. He was quietly thinking about sleep for a while, and carefully recalled his investigation of Ye Jian’s family. He thought for a while. I definitely confirm that his little fox has nothing to do with the Li family!

The devil insisted on checking and checking, and he has already reminded him not to add chaos for the time being, and his character will do it.

Xia Jinyuan, who no longer thinks more, seized the time to close his eyes and rest. Later, he needed to give Hou Han a phone call and ask Ye Zhifan and Du Jia what happened to him.

And his little fox, after a good rest, have to go to South Province to find her.

There are many things to deal with, and he has to raise his spirit.

Xia Jinyuan, who slept until eight o’clock, opened his eyes. The first thing was to call Hou Yu of the southern province. He needed to know what happened to Ye Zhifan and Du Jia.

This question, Xia Jinyuan only knows that he has not been in the country for a long time, Ye Jian has done several major events.

Hou Yu first put Sun Yaozu in a fifteenth and a fifteenth, a good word, and did not add oil and vinegar to tell Xia Jinyuan. “Firstly, Sun Yaozu’s eyes were shot with glass, and then he was solved on the mountain.”

“I didn’t do anything. In addition to the follow-up to clean up her phenomenon, the foreign bodyguards illegally hired by Sun Yaozu were solved, and the next thing was the police of the South Province.”

In a few words, I made it clear that the thrilling things at the time, Xia Jinyuan did not have much fluctuation, as long as his little fox had nothing to do.

She won’t be easy to shoot, and once she has to go out, she will be safe.

The second thing is the videotape, and Xia Jinyuan is more assured.

Although the little fox did not directly explain to Hou Wei how she handled the backup tape, she could guess it with a little thought.

Ye Zhifan will definitely receive a copy, a copy is likely to be sent to Mrs. Li, because she wants to break the back of Ye Ying, and a … military? The old man of his family? Both are possible.

(End of this chapter)

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