Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 2136 - At the beginning of the abuse (2)

Chapter 2136, the beginning of the abuse (2)

She is more and more satisfied with Ye Ying. She did not bring Du Jiayi all night, or she chatted with Ye Ying’s friends with her friends and Du’s deputy chief of staff.

At the end of the dinner, Mrs. Lai also let Ye Ying send her own female soldiers from the Beijing political group. They were friends with Du Jiayi. Because of Mrs. Li’s introduction, there was not much rejection of Ye Ying, and there was not much to exchange. interest.

Even if it is only this, Ye Ying is very happy.

Ye Zhifan was angry and entered the hospital.

Last night, I drank a lot of wine. In the middle of the night, I was angry with the videotape. When I woke up and knocked on the door, I knew that my wife and daughter were carrying him secretly away, and he was shocked and angry. He was looking thin in the outside. At noon, I had a stuffy nose, a fever, and a cough all at once.

“You are angry with Yingying, as long as she can make up for it, it will not become!” After receiving a phone call from the hospital, she was scared to rush to run Sun Dongqing and complained about her husband’s unreasonable feelings. “I played last night, 骂I am also embarrassed, Ying Ying himself knows the wrong, she is the only daughter of the trick, can’t you really kill her?”

“I was very angry. I also wanted to kill her at the time. It would be better to continue to lose sight of people. But now there is no Mrs. Li, is there a Du family? If Mrs. Li likes her, what are the fears?”

Saying, Sun Dongqing bit his teeth and said: “Be sure to find out the things that harm our family and kill thousands of knives! Don’t give him a little color, but when we are bullied.”

“Yingying said that Ye Jian was a dead girl. I want to come and think about it, except for her. There is no one in her. It is she who hates Yingying and joins the army, so she came up with such a sinister way to harm her.”

After Ye Ying brainwashed, Sun Dongqing believed that the reason for this was all caused by Ye Jian! !

At this time, Ye Zhifan had already been disheartened. He didn’t want to see the stupid woman in front of him, and he didn’t want to see the leaf that he wanted to climb the branch.

“Yes, your mother and daughter are smart. You are the smartest in the whole world. Everyone else is a fool! Well, now your daughter ran to the Du family and went, and Mrs. Lily was happy, Sun Dongqing, you hurry and hurry. Happy, otherwise, I am afraid you have no time to be happy!”

The ridiculous Ye Zhifan closed his eyes and raised his finger outside the door. “You can roll! Don’t let me see you again! Roll!”

“Dad!” Ye Yingqi, who had heard it for a long time, screamed and pushed in the door. “How do you say such a ugly thing, let the mother go, who will take care of you!”

“Lin Yuan will accompany me to report tomorrow morning. In the morning, I will report it in the morning. In the afternoon, I will go with the Beijing political group to give performances to leaders at all levels of the army. You always say that I will give you a shame, but where can I lose face!”

“Today, Mrs. Li took me to know the wife of many powerful families, not the wife of the middle and senior generals of the Pan-Military, and also met many new friends. The Beijing political group also met a few. Did I lose face to you? I am giving you Long face.”

Long face?

Ye Zhifan, who has always had a sense of crisis, heard the desperation in his heart. It was over, and it was over.

As long as the videotape was sent to Mrs. Li, his official career was over!


For his own career, Ye Zhifan, who is nearly 20 years old, gave a desperate, violent roar. He got up too hard, so that the needles were pulled out, and the blood and the medicine splashed on Ye Ying’s face. , Chad Ye Ying screamed again and again.

Tomorrow, the big abuse

(End of this chapter)

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