Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 2138 - Great abuse road (four)

Chapter 2138 Great Disruption (4)

This is the first time that Ye Zhifan has proposed a “divorce” and he is still divorcing in this situation!

Ye Ying only felt incredible.

After a while, she screamed: “Dad, are you crazy? I have to marry into the Du family. You actually proposed a divorce at this time! What do you want to do!”

“You don’t know how much Mrs. Li likes me! I introduced her to some of my best friends today, and let them take care of me! Her friends who played with Du Jiayi are all the girls of the Beijing Political Group. Take care of me!”

“I came to the hospital, Mrs. Li did not let the driver send me, let her son Li Yuan send me directly! Dad, do you know what to explain? Explain that Mrs. Li told Li Yuan, I am the daughter-in-law she saw!”

“What family is Du family? I will not say the deputy chief of staff. I will not say her oldest son. You know! I tell you! Mrs. Li’s family is the former warlord!”

“Mrs. Li has a brother, he is the leader of your province! She also has a younger brother who can paint a six-figure painter after painting!”

“The lady of such a noble family looks at me and wants me to be her daughter-in-law. This is the thing that Ye Jiazu is taking on. I still want to divorce my mother. Well, you just have to divorce my mother. I immediately changed my name to Sun!”

Sun Dongqing has not recovered from her husband’s “divorce”, and she has missed several beats by her daughter’s words.

“What do you say! Your dad is angry!” Divorce? How can it be! She wants to get divorced from Lao Ye, who is going to rely on for the rest of her life? Looking for a daughter? The daughter has to look after her husband!

Young couples are always coming, she will never divorce Lao Ye.

The gas trembled Ye Ying’s face barely raised his chin, not afraid of death screaming: “What do I say! Is he still my father? Is there such a good dear dad? No, he is not my dad!” ”

“Other people’s parents can’t wait for their daughter to marry well, well dressed, what about him? He is afraid that I will marry! Is this my father? Is it my father?”

In the face of the two mothers and daughters who are stubborn, Ye Zhifan, who was so angry and roaring, became more and more calm, and he must calm down. Otherwise, he would be unlucky with the two mothers and daughters.

“Yes, I don’t want anything after the divorce. All the family products are for you. I only have the account book, the ID card is OK, I don’t want a penny, the wallet is left to both mothers and daughters.”

“I can change my family name. I will ask friends who are registered in the household registration. Today I am divorced. Today I changed your name to Sun Ying. Since then, you have lived with your mother and have no relationship with Ye Zhifan.”

“I am not your father, you are not my daughter. I am clear with your two mothers and daughters, and I don’t owe it!”

The worst thing has not happened yet, and we must immediately draw a relationship!

For his own career, Ye Zhifan, who was completely disappointed with the two mothers and daughters, began to recognize the six parents. He is such a person, as Ye Jian said.

Ye Ying was very hard, heard, and sneered again and again: “Well, I will be called Sun Ying in the future, and I have nothing to do with you!” Sun Dongqing, who had no chance to talk, didn’t want to talk. She was deliberately happy to say: “Mom, he finally asked for a divorce. I am very happy! In the future, I will never have to look at him again with his face. Mom, I will raise you with Li Yuan in the future!”

“You don’t have a husband to raise, it doesn’t matter! I will raise you with Li Yuan! What is the director of a provincial city construction bureau? I will let Li Yuan give you a bigger official in the future!”

(End of this chapter)

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