Chapter 2140, Great Abuse (6)

She couldn’t help her to get up and Ye Ying was pushed to the ground. Seeing this confusion, she did not go to persuasion, but stared at the video tape in Ye Zhifan’s hand and her own notice of enlistment.

She wants to grab it!

Although Ye Zhifan was sick, he was not sick enough to let Sun Dongqing make a fine copy. His face turned pale and white, and he was sullen and low-drinking. “I force you? Do I have to force you? Is it you? You and your daughter are going to kill me!”

Married into Du family? When the daughter-in-law of the privileged family had such a big scandal, they dared to think that Mrs. Li was a blind man? When she is a good talker, can she easily forgive Ye Ying?

This sentence Ye Zhifan did not say it again, said it also said, and may not divorce him!

In the evening, the wards were quiet. The family of three had made other patients in the ward ask for a complaint to the nurse station. Ye Ying wanted to get the enlisted notice back. The nurse took several security guards and pushed in.

“What are you doing! When the hospital is a vegetable market! It’s noisy to go outside!”

The security rushed in to quickly separate Ye Ying and Sun Dongqing. Ye Zhifan clenched his back and coughed and panted: “My ex-wife, bring my daughter to trouble, help me to take them away. Also, my heartbeat is a little faster. The head is very painful, the blood pressure may not be stable, please help me find it. Thank you.”


Didn’t get married, she became an ex-wife?

Sun Dongqing was angry and pointed at Ye Zhifan’s nose and screamed. “Ye Zhifan, you are a bastard! When did I become your ex-wife! I’m still a daughter, I’m fighting with you, I’m fighting with you!”

Ye Ying saw the security guard, the nurse came in the heart is a bit imaginary, she was afraid that too much trouble became a joke to pass to Mrs. Li’s ear.

“Mom, let’s go first!” She climbed up and tried to hold up the mad-like Sun Dongqing, and kept persuading him. “He won’t take care of us anymore. I told you earlier that he wouldn’t care for us!” ”

Leave, leave! One day he will regret that he will drive out his daughter!

The gloomy leaves of the eyes are bitter and hateful, and she does not believe that leaving him can not be done!

With the appreciation of Mrs. Li, as long as she can marry into the Du family, she will let all those who look at her regret it!

Sun Dongqing did not want to leave, even if Ye Yingxiang persuaded her not to go, see more security guards, took out the power of the shrew, and fell directly to the ground to sprinkle and roll. “There is no conscience, the old lady has been working hard with him for most of his life, and he still wants to divorce in the end!” ”

The more she is, the more she leaves Ye Zhifan.

Trying to let Ye Yingjin enter the army and try to make the family live a good life. What is the result? He can hardly work hard to hold the two mothers and daughters stupid, so high and far away, stupid, and he does not want to be dragged down, he only has a way out of divorce!

Ye Zhifan, who is sitting in the hospital bed, no longer has to say anything more. He only keeps his mouth shut and keeps breathing, which is a bit like heart disease.

When the nurse saw it, he immediately let the security guards put everyone out.

The patient is the biggest, Sun Dongqing is no longer useful, and the more trouble she disturbs the ward, the more angry she is.

Ye Yingke didn’t want to be taken away by the security guard. She was angered and she squinted at Ye Zhifan. She saw him with his back to himself. He was so angry that the biting muscles on his face trembled and slammed the security guard: “I will go! You give me open!”

Sun Dongqing looked at the security guard to drag herself, and she yelled at the land: “Calling people, hitting people! Security hits! I want to call the police, I want to call the police.”

Security security response: “Well, you just call the police, go to the police station for a night, and let people bail tomorrow.”

(End of this chapter)

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