Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 2146 - Take a good look at you

Chapter 2146, take a good look at you

Xia Jinyuan always knows that Ye Jian listens to his own words. Whatever he says, she will remember it in her heart.

Every time I hear her say that I have remembered my own words, my heart can always be soft to water.

“Really, my baby.” Xia Jinyuan bowed his head and smiled and kissed her forehead. Suddenly, he bent down and he did not be wary to pick her up and smiled. “Don’t move, I am working now.” Can’t be free, if you move, maybe you can slide straight down from my hand.”

Ye Jian did not dare to move, fearing that his struggle would make his wound open, his hands clasped his clothes, his face stretched and looked at him unpleasantly. “I don’t move, you bend over and pick me up, don’t be afraid of wounds.” Open the line? No wonder the commander-in-chief said that you are git, and sent so many people to guard you!”

“This time I really hold on to me.” Xia Jinyuan sneered, his hearted mind has arrived, it doesn’t matter if he keeps it, he can’t help but bow down and kiss her and kiss her to the blushing lips. Lightly judo: “Only one hour, I will accompany me to bed and lie down.”

How can Ye Jian refuse? He has a wound in his bed and rests best.

Did not dare to lie in his arms, Ye Jian side sleeping side, only dare to head on his shoulders, and then holding his arms in his hands, listening to him talking about the dangers encountered.

“I was tortured after I went back, but fortunately, I am not primarily responsible for it. After a few whip, there is nothing. It is slightly hurt, and even the skin is not broken.”

The two of them lie down to the bed that is not spacious and whispered those thrilling things, and then thrilled, and there is nothing more thrilling to say through Xia Jinjin, and the wind is light and sloppy.

“Later, my mission was completed. When they exchanged fire, they decided to add another task. They touched the hidden alarm device and were pierced by shrapnel. This was injured.”

“There is no big problem, I have checked it. I can discharge it after three days of anti-inflammatory needles.”

A touch of light, with a laughing tone, the **** hurricane gun battle became a child fight, the side of the side of the leaf Jane could not help but get up a little, then looked down at the man lying flat, finger caressing him a little thin The handsome face.

She didn’t say too much because she understood each other.

Wearing the same military uniforms, performing the same high-risk tasks, they really understand each other’s hearts.

Hey, I still want to plan to clean up and pack him up. Now, I can’t really reassure it.

I did not recognize myself when I performed the task. Normally, he was still hurting himself and he was not too unreasonable.

The gentle touch made Xia Jinyuan unable to squint the thin lips, closing her eyes and feeling her deep affection, and using her fingers to sketch his face.

From the eyebrows to the eyes to the tip of the nose, all the way to the lips, the fingers gently stroked, and then gently kissed with her lips.

Kissing his forehead, eyes, nose, and finally she stopped at his lips, licking his lips with her soft tongue, then flexing into the dance with his tongue.

“Little fox…” He whispered softly, reaching out and kissing his own leaf into his arms. “I am not so vulnerable, just avoid the wound.”

Ye Jane kissed his thin lips and kissed him to clear his chin. “You are lying, I want to see your injury.”

“What is optimistic? Wrap it with gauze, you can’t see it.” The wound that was re-sewed… To be honest, he didn’t dare let her see it, fearing that she was distressed.

(End of this chapter)

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