Chapter 2151 is like a snake

Where to find? **** it! Where is she going to find Du Jiayi!

Must find Du Jiayi talented, tell her that the cousin who said that the college entrance examination was cheating is accompanied by the commander of the summer commander, the military school student Ye Jian!

She also told Du’s deputy chief of staff that Du’s deputy chief of staff should go to the Ye Jian’s college entrance examination to cheat and must drive her out of the military academy, so that she would not have the opportunity to accompany the head of the military in her life!

“Ye Ying, sit down for me, sit down!”

The squad leader found that the new recruits were leaning forward more and more, so that they had a very obvious arc in this straight line of sitting postures.

Ye Ying can’t control her emotions. She only wants Ye Jian to be summoned by the head of the military. How can she not control her emotions.

The ear clearly heard the voice of the squad leader, but the body not only did not recover, but sat upright on the back, and the faint even wanted to stand up.

The squad leader could be scared into the heart and kept screaming. No way, the squad leader reached out and grabbed Ye Ying’s arm. “Ye Ying, go back and take me to the captain in front of him!”

Ye Ying, who was completely paralyzed by the squad, was slammed by the squad leader. As another wave of applause sounded, Ye Ying, who was stunned by the screaming spirit, suddenly woke up.


Forget where you are!

Ye Ying, who was suddenly in his heart, did not dare to turn his head and talk to the squad leader. He struggled a little and gestured to the squad leader to let go.

“I’m sorry, the squad leader, the first time I saw so many heads, I was very nervous and very scared.” Ye Ying whispered, and his eyes were staring at Ye Jian, who was sitting along with the leader in front of him, his eyes were like a snake, full of haze. Malicious.

When the squad leader saw her, she sat up straight and clapped her hands with the rhythm. Her heart was a little relieved.

There is a foresight of the car, the squad leader’s line of sight always needs to look at Ye Ying from time to time to stop her from happening again.

Ye Ying, who woke up, did not lose her mind again, because she had already received comfort from her own speculation, and decided that the reason why Ye Jian was summoned by Commander Xia was definitely because of the relationship between the old and the uncle.

Wait, Ye Jian, I will want you to look good!

She plans to take Du Jiayi to find Ye Jian after the meeting, and let Du Jiayi recognize it clearly, waiting for Du’s deputy chief of staff to unveil the leaf fake face.

Thinking this way, Ye Ying’s unbalanced mentality was satisfied, and even thinking about how bad it would be to wait for Ye Jian’s end.


I will be scared to see people first. After Du’s deputy chief of staff will come out, I will be scared to cry and regret what I have done!

Hahaha, maybe I will come to ask her, ask her to go to Du’s deputy chief of staff to say good things to her, and ask for help!

Want her to say good things, pleading? Go dreaming, Ye Jian! It will definitely make you feel uncomfortable and regret what you have done to me!

Ye Ying, who fell into deep fantasy, almost laughed.

Fortunately, I know where I am now, I want to laugh, she has to control, and the teeth bite the tip of her tongue before she swallows her laughter back into her stomach.

Ye Ying obtained the unprecedented happiness in his heart through his own delusions, but Du Jiayi was not so happy.

It is no wonder that I can’t find Ye Jian in my system. It turned out that she is still a military school student! She has been checking her for a long time, and she has not found such a person. She once thought that she was scared at the time and got the wrong name!

The military school students did not stay in school to learn knowledge. They even followed a group of male soldiers to the depths of the snow-capped mountains. They were still stubborn everywhere. Are you leafy enough to support you?

(End of this chapter)

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