Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 2155 - Abominable person

Chapter 2155 The abominable person

Her mind did not escape Du Jiayi, who had always been acquainted with the ignorance of the people. She glanced at her coldly and sneered at Du Jiayi, who liked to kill people by knife. “And, the head of your Beijing political group is also waiting, Be clever, don’t say anything wrong.”

This time, Ye Ying completely drove away the haze brought about by the appearance of Ye Jian. The excitement was not controlled, and he appeared on his face without paying attention.

Dismissively swept her, the arrogant Du Jiayi flashed a malicious, slow-moving opening “dignified, but see a leader, happy. Smile, don’t give my parents a shame!”

“Your sister can be more calm than you. There is no market for the commander-in-chief. I can still smile and talk to the commander-in-chief. You should learn more about your sister.”

Ming knows that Ye Ying hates that someone compares himself with Ye Jian. Du Jiayi has to say it, and its intention is not obvious.

Ye Ying did not understand her intentions, but hated Ye Jian more. Why do I have to hear someone compare myself with Ye Jian!

Why do you say that she should learn from Ye Jian, obviously that she does not know how many times better than Ye Jian!

Secretly biting his teeth, then sighing lightly: “Yes, she has always been daring, there is nothing she dare not do. I can’t, bad things don’t dare to do good things and be nervous.”

Is she still timid? Oh, I didn’t see it.

Du Jiayi’s cool “hehe” sounded, I don’t know if I heard the profound Ye Ying’s face stiff and stiff, and said: “I am not timid, just a little nervous, and I will remind me to remind me. ”

“Don’t remind me, I will learn from your cousin Ye Jian, and there are such good ready-made textbooks. Why do you want to go far?” Even if the sarcasm is cool, Du Jiayi can keep saying politely, which will make people mistakenly think that She has nothing to say, and people who listen purely want more.

Ye Ying’s face was so stiff that even the basic smile could not be maintained. In order not to let Du Jiayi see her look, Ye Ying chose to bow down.

Can’t be with Du Jiayi, and can’t care about her, Mrs. Li will not like it.

When she looked down, she didn’t notice Du Jiayi suddenly stopped, and the twilight stared coldly at the sidewalk.

This is a “Y” shaped passage. When both sides come over, they must leave the venue through the main passage. They will see that the two people’s leaves are not changed, and they keep pace with the guards. The line of sight sweeps through Du Jiayi and takes a step forward. Go to the front.

Ye Ying and Du Jiayi took a piece, Ye Jian was not surprised.

What a surprise, Han Yu said, Mrs. Li is very satisfied with Ye Ying and wants her son to come back to be a wife.

Du Jiayi, who had a straighter back, looked at the leaf Jane who had ignored her. His face changed.

A arrogant cadet student!

Seeing that I didn’t even have a smile, I chose to ignore it!

Very good, I will definitely make her look good!

Staring at the back of myself, Shen Dao: “When you see your cousin, why don’t you say hello?”

Ye Ying did not see Ye Jian positively. When she looked up, she only saw Ye Jian’s side face, faint, full of the ceremonies that made him dare not look straight.

“She doesn’t like me to talk to her, why should I hate people?” Ye Ying said concealingly, buried deeper, too odious, too odious, one or two are too odious!

Ye Jian, Du Jiayi, there are no more hateful people than you.

(End of this chapter)

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