How unwilling is Chapter 2167?

It looks good, and the eyebrows are as clear as the moon. What is even more rare is the look in her eyes. There is a sense of trust that people can believe at a glance.

Not to mention the temperament, there are female soldiers’ sturdy, male soldiers’ perseverance, standing in front of them is like a piece of pine standing on the top of the mountain, accompanied by Qingyue Langyue, pen until the sky.

This female soldier is quite powerful!

However, it was the eyes that were too clear, the eyes looked a bit cold, and it looked too gentle and smooth, and she didn’t like it.

A faint look at Ye Jian, Mrs. Li looked at Ye Ying around her eyes, and her eyebrows were low. Although she was forced to be a little anxious by Jiayi, she still didn’t make trouble with Jiayi. People like it.

But the expression on Ye Ying’s face…, Mrs. Li’s eyes are a bit cold.

If she doesn’t understand what is going on, she will live for decades.

But she just praised Ye Ying, and let the two sisters face the quality with the old summer bar. They can’t turn around now and blame Ye Ying, that is, they are playing their own faces.

Hey, smiled and said: “The flowers bloom two, each table is a branch. No wonder all are born slim, it is a cousin relationship. Ye Ying, your sister was admitted to the military academy, now you have also entered the Beijing political group, your little daughter is also thinking The collection is over, understand?”

I suspect that a military school student was admitted to the military academy by cheating. The matter went to Dali and said that it was indeed very big, but he could also say to Xiaoli that the jealousy of being a little daughter would become a careful thought.

Mrs. La smiled and warned Ye Ying, who did not want things to continue to deteriorate. At the same time, she also guarded Ye Ying.

Ye Ying did not answer immediately. She thought of Du Jiayi’s words, so that she was so excited that she wanted to tell the commander-in-chief loudly that Ye Jian had no big skill at all, so I wanted to say… I want to say…

The words have come to my lips, but because of the gaze of Mrs. Li, her heart burst into a cold, not, not, Mrs. Li has become angry, and she will not follow her again, it will be miserable.

A nod of wrongedness, the voice choked: “I remember, later, … I will not dare later.”

It is “not to dare in the future”, not “will not be in the future”. The difference between the words is a thousand miles. It can be seen how unwilling Ye Ying answered.

Mrs. Li, who had a slightly cold face, did not say anything. Du Jiayi seemed to smile and smile. “Don’t dare, it seems that someone really has a problem. You dare not be threatened. Ye Ying, you just Good to me, now I have a set of rhetoric, do you tease me Du Jiayi to play?”

“Shut up!” This time, even Du’s deputy chief of staff’s face sank, his eyes fixed on the aggressive daughter of today, and said: “What are you doing!”

Du Jiayi smiled. “Dad, I really didn’t bother. Yesterday, Ye Ying said that there are problems in her sister’s place. She also asked me to mention you first, I…”

The voice trembled Ye Ying cried and interrupted her words. “Jia Yijie, please don’t say anything, I know I am wrong.”

“Jiayi, pay attention to your image!” Mrs. Lai turned her head. This time, the warning tone is much more heavy than before. There is a clear anger. “Everything needs to be told a piece of evidence, nothing to say, just by mouth. What is the use?”

Mrs. Li’s maintenance of Ye Ying fell into the eyes of Du Jiayi, making her more angry.

It’s all like this, and my mother still protects her! Don’t tear her fake face off the scene, she won’t surname Du!

However, if she is forced to come out again, she will make her mother angry, and it is not worthwhile to make her mother angry for a Ye Ying.

Well, since she can’t force Ye Ying to come out, she said it with Ye Jian.

(End of this chapter)

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