Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 2175 - Playing and playing (seven)

Chapter 2175 playing and playing (seven)

She said a lot, those lies can be said by mouth, without the presence of Commander-in-Chief Xia, that Ye Jian’s backing has gone, and Ye Yinglian has a lot of talk.

Mrs. Li, who was flashing in the cold, heard no anger and laughed. “You think she is not as good as you, so I will frame you everywhere, and your military training will be ugly, and you will lose your college entrance examination?”

“Yes, ma’am, because my grades have always been better than her, the teacher has been taking care of me, so she has been jealous of me, has been framed me!” Ye Ying did not hesitate to answer.

At this time, Mrs. Li was furious and the volcano in the heart had to break through the calm of the surface. It was very good, and now it can be pretending to be pitiful.

However, Ye Ying, who was eager for quick success, thought that the reason why Mrs. Li was angry was because her own words played a role. She was angry, she was angry, and she wanted to clean up Ye Jian for herself.

With the lingering light, the provocative sweep of Ye Jian, who was not stunned at this time, showed the smile of the winner.

Ye Jian said this: Without Ye Zhifan’s Ye Ying around, the IQ is so unbelievable, even thinking that the situation is good for her?

Ye Ying, where can you be confident?

How can I think that I can fool a lady of a major! Where is the ridiculous confidence she came from?

Can you face Mrs. Li’s anger now? Can you spend peace and safety today?

Mrs. Li’s gas is blown up to the lungs, and it has reached the critical point of the eruption. The dignified manner is so fascinating. “When you go to France to study, is it harmful to her?”

“You don’t know, if it wasn’t for her to force me everywhere, I wouldn’t be forced to give up the opportunity to join the army and go abroad to study abroad.”

Hey, hey, still in his mouth, still in his mouth! Mrs. Li, who was hard to suppress, was gnashing her teeth and asked, “What day did you give to study in France?”

Ye Ying hasn’t answered yet, and Mrs. Li is violent. “Those who are debauchery, like a blind man, is she giving you?”

Mrs. Li deliberately said one sentence after another, let Ye Ying habitually say “yes”, then she heard Du Jiayi’s giggling “giggle”, and Ye Jian’s not too light and heavy “hehe” laughter, She answered her too urgently and widened her eyes.

What did Mrs. Li say? What have you rushed back?

She returned a “yes”!

Life like a blind man?

How is she… Ye Ying was shocked, and she was eager to remedy her blood: “No, no, madam, not…”

There was no longer a chance for her to speak. The anger of Mrs. Li broke out completely.


Not a slap in the face, the anger of Mrs. Li’s continuous swaying back and forth, the sound is crisp and loud, and it’s quiet all around, only the crisp slap sounds continuously.

“I hurt myself, and ultimately harm myself. I endorse others and blame others for their faults!” Mrs. Lai slaps her head very quickly, and she sighs when she says “啪啪啪”.

“It’s only three months to go to the French district. I’m like a scorpion. I’m riding a thousand people. I’m wearing a pillow. I’m going to install it in front of me? I’ll let you load, I will let you install it!”


Even if Ye Ying’s hands were covering his face, he couldn’t stop Mrs. Li’s slapping, and countless slaps smacked over her face. She screamed and cried, screaming backwards.

Ye Jane: “…” Mrs. Li is indeed powerful enough!

(End of this chapter)

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