Chapter 2178 Walks (10)

From the beginning, she was not helping herself. From the very beginning, she was a joint leaf to harm her! She knew with Ye Jianming, but deliberately pretended not to know, so hey, they are so good! I want to harm her all, I want to harm her!

Who sent the videotape?

Is it sent by Du Jiayi? Is it her?

It is her, she must be her!

Only she is capable, France is so far away, and Ye Jian is unlikely to reach out. Only Du Jiayi has the ability to get the talent.


The mouth is blocked, and the tongue is blocked by the space. There is no way to make those swearing words, let them vent their anger, and leave only a string of people to hear the sound of “唔唔”.

The shackled Du Jiayi hooked his mouth and revealed a sneer sneer. In a flash, she adjusted her smile and took a small square from her pocket. She wiped the tears on her face and gently worried: “Yingying Don’t make trouble now, then it will only make my mother more angry.”

“You said that you were framed, and you will talk about it. What are you angry about? You can only make things change badly, understand? My dad said that he would return to the military school first, not to the Beijing political group. Did not go to the military school to calm down, think about how to face everything, think about who is framed you.”

“Hey, I’m all worried about you, how can the end-ends become so bad all of a sudden. Save some effort. It’s better to sit in the car than to blow the cold wind, let the people coming and going look at it.”

At this time, Ye Ying couldn’t listen to anything at all. In his eyes, only Du Jiayi’s fake face is more awkward and hateful than Ye Jian!

The guards no longer let Ye Ying stay, and she will get on the train soon.

Behind him, Du Jiayi looked at Ye Ying, who was walking away. The smile in the eyes and the corners of his mouth had never changed. In the cold wind, her cool indifference and the wind blew away. “Who is it, can you blame? Ye Ying, give I have wide eyes and see if the high door of our Du family can climb in with the daughter of a little secretary?”

After talking lightly, the line of sight fell to the two figures who were standing face to face with Du’s deputy chief of staff.

Ye Jian, she knows that the man who stood with her does not know.

Du Jiayi also wants to come close to see who it is. There, Du, the deputy chief of staff, has let the two men leave with the guards of the commander of the summer commander. She has no time to see clearly. She has to help the impetuous Mrs. Li to get on the bus.

“I am so easy to ask the commander-in-chief, how come you ran again.” On the car, sitting behind the leaves, the sound of the leaves was so cool and cool: “All said that you have to rest well, why don’t you always feel at ease, hold on How can your guards come from you!”

Ye Jian is more worried about Xia Jinyuan’s body than his own situation.

Xia Jinyuan is the other way round. He is more worried that Ye Jian will not suffer. Jun Yan has a little dullness. He holds Ye Jian’s right hand and looks at the front of the road: “Nothing, my wounds, you know, but yours. Things, little fox, why have you ever thought of saying a sentence to me.”

“If it’s not Dad calling me, little fox, I’m still fooling around and waiting for you to come over. If you don’t say anything happening outside, I don’t know.”

“I am a little angry now, are you sure you want to continue?”


The leaves are simple.

In the training, I saw him angry, she can still face it calmly, in life… I know that she met the angry summer team in the first five or six years. How do I get it?

(End of this chapter)

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