Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 2186 - I am pleased with Ye Jian (double monthly ticket request)

Chapter 2186 asks you for Ye Jian (double monthly ticket request)

Video tape… videotape…

骇 魂 魂 魂 魂 魂 魄 魄 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

No, it must not be…

“This video tape was received by our company’s front desk today, and I just learned it.” Then Mrs. Li appeared in the conference room. She was wearing a coat and she was out of place with the entire conference room, but she was strong and calm. Sit down and say: “You, this matter has nothing to do with Lao Du. It is my ignorance that I did not let Lao Du carefully investigate and arbitrarily make recommendations to recommend her to the Beijing Political Group.”

“Ye Ying really has talents, piano chess and paintings, and she knows her well. She knows that she wants to be a literary soldier, just…”

Mrs. Lai smiled and said how she liked Ye Ying. Later, she asked her to go to the Beijing political group to say it one by one. “…is my fault, and finally let the troops be shamed.”

“I know she has to deal with it. I don’t want this old face to tell the truth. If you don’t believe it, you can look at the videotape now, and you know that there is absolutely nothing false.”

“Yesterday is a little girl’s birthday. I really like Ye Ying. I also specially took her to know her friends everywhere. I praised her for knowing the rules and regulations. I know that I am stunned today. It’s my fault that makes you feel embarrassed and makes the troops feel shame. “”

Stand up and apologize to Mrs. Li for all the main responsibilities of her own squatting, and instead of letting her husband make a difficult move to leave the Amoi, it is better to be yourself.

Mrs. Lai, who had a hard time seeing her daughter, could not enter the conference room. When she made a decision, she immediately went to the commander-in-chief of Xia, and the videotape was handed over, completely breaking Ye Ying’s last hope.

Everything needs to tell a piece of evidence. There is something in the videotape that needs to be known. The whole body is like Ye Yingying who is in the ice cave. Look at the guard and push the videotape into the machine. After the picture flickers… Ye Yingying keeps his eyes turning white.

Her psychological endurance has reached its limit.

“…Ye Ying’s behavior violated the relevant provisions of China’s Military Service Law and the South Province Conscription Work Regulations. On the spot, he made a penalty and decided to retreat to Ye Ying and fined 100,000 yuan.”

“At the same time, immediately sent back to the southern province to the public security department, a comprehensive investigation of Ye Yingqi and the local rogue persecution of military school students Ye Jian.”

“After 10 years of execution, it shall not be recorded as a national civil servant, enter a state-owned or a public institution, and may not go through the formalities of going abroad and going to school.”

Ye Ying did not faint, and her emotions were too fluctuating. She was placed on the seat by two guards and listened to the instructor of the Beijing Political Group to read the execution on the spot.

Retired, handed over to the public security department… The face is white and the leaves are struggling to scream more hard. “No, I am not retired. I don’t want to go back to South Province, Dad, save me, Dad, come and save me.”

“I don’t want to go back to the South Province, I don’t want to retire, … I am wrong, the head, I am wrong, I will not dare, I will not dare. I am really wrong, I beg you not to let me retire.”

No one cares, Du’s deputy chief of staff blacked his face and left the conference room for the first time. This time, he was thrown away by a small literary soldier!

“Don’t go, don’t! Ye Jian, you are stopping the head.” I beg you, I admit you, I am really wrong, I beg you to save me, I don’t want to retire, I don’t want to go to the public security department. I don’t want to go to jail.”

“I beg you, Ye Jian, I beg you.”

In this world, Ye Jian heard Ye Ying’s pleading. After a past and present, she actually heard Ye Ying’s pleading!

Locked five thousand words at night, … the result code came out at 11:50 in the evening, good night, good night.

The body still has a two-month recovery period, and I stayed up late.

(End of this chapter)

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