Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 2189 - I want you to die!

Chapter 2189 I want you to die!

“I really never asked anyone, you know, I never ask others, my sister, I am begging you today, seeing that we are sisters, let me go! I am really wrong! Later I don’t dare to do that anymore.”

It is impossible to ask for more than half of the compassion in Ye Jian’s heart. In the past, he was killed by Ye Ying, and he was almost forced to “mother”. How could she let her go!

What happened to the past? forget it?

Ye Ying, who are you when you are!

The leaf scorpion with a big suffocation at the bottom of the sputum used his knees against Ye Ying’s lower jaw. When he hit a head, he bumped Ye Ying into the ground, so that she had no chance to climb over and hold her calf.

I couldn’t help but hit the jaw of the lower jaw and rubbed my teeth to my lips. It hurt her to scream, and the wound was a little deep. The blood mixed with saliva became a line and flowed down the corner of the mouth.

Seeing that his palm was full of blood, Ye Ying screamed “ah”, blood… blood, a lot of blood, Ye Jian hit her bleeding.

So she asked her not to let go of her, but also let her bleed, Ye Jian, what do you want her to do!

Ye Ying, who had not had a result for a long time, was furious, and she only dared to be angry in front of Ye Jian.

I think that I am so hard to ask, people who hate them, people who look down on them are still indifferent, and they smashed her bleeding, and her face twisted and looked up, and she hated her anger: “Ye Jian, what do you want me to do! I asked. For so long, why don’t you forgive me!”

When one person is a little disgusted with another person, it becomes a habitual disgust. How can it easily change the deep-rooted attitude?

The so-called admittance is just that I want to get out of my body as soon as possible, and I don’t think I am wrong.

Of course, Ye Jian does not need her to know that she is wrong, and she does not need Ye Ying to suddenly wake up. It is good to continue to be so stupid.

In order to let Ye Ying hear what she said, she was slowly squatting down and biting the words clearly. Every word was clearly stated, telling Ye Ying what she wanted.

“I want you to die, to die and to die. Only in this way can you avoid the hatred of my heart!” Every word is deep and sullen, every word is cold and heavy, and every word is murderous.

Want to let her die? Ye Jane wants her to die?

Ye Ying’s first reaction thought that this was a big joke. She even wanted to laugh, but she still didn’t smile. She looked up at Ye Jian and looked at her.

She saw the killing of Ye Jian’s eyes, she really wanted to kill herself, and really wanted to die!

“No, I don’t want to die, I don’t want to die, you… no power to decide my life and death, yes, you can’t decide! You are a soldier, you can’t kill me!” She fell on the ground and fell back, she thought Ye Jane now wants to kill herself.

Ye Jian smiled, and suddenly there was a lazy taste in the cool, deep voice. “You think too much, killing you will only dirty my hand?”

“I won’t kill you, let alone what you have done to me. Only remember what you have done to me, I can continue to bite my teeth, even if I am **** all the way, I bite and go down because… …”

Ye Jian got up, and the black scorpion looked down at the darker face of the face, and continued to say gently. “Because, I am waiting for this day, seeing you Ye Ying is like a funeral dog crawling in front of me! ”

“Ye Ying, I am looking forward to how many “days” nights I have come to this day. How can I let you go? How could it be easy to kill you?”

(End of this chapter)

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