Chapter 2199 is self-sufficient

“I divorced from your dad, and I divorced this morning. Yingying, have you forgotten? You want your mother to divorce your father. He will not take care of our mother and daughter again. It is useless to find him. We can only To fate, Sun Ying, we can only accept the fate.”

Sun Dongqing, who burst into tears, told the truth. She didn’t know what her daughter would say after she heard it, but she had to say it. Let’s not let Sun Ying continue to do the dream of pulling down Ye Jian.

Impossible, never possible.

“No, impossible! Mom, what are you talking about? Impossible! I am Ye Ying, how can I become Sun Ying?” The last life-saving straw can’t be caught, and Sun Ying’s last breath can’t be maintained.

Ye Zhifan is her last enthusiasm and her last hope.

“My daughter, who is bitter, is true. You are Sun Ying now… Mom listens to you and lets your dad change your family name. He told me personally that he would not take care of the two, Ying Ying, he will not After another control, Ye Zhifan said that he did it… He said it was done.”

“That night, you said that you no longer recognize him as a dad, and you will not ask him again. Yingying, the two girls’ back roads are gone. They are all mother’s fault, they are not stopping you, they are all mother’s fault. Thousands of mistakes, all blame the mother.”

“Mrs. Li likes it again, her love is limited. How can I be like you, because I like you, forgive you. For those who are humiliating in foreign countries, even my mother is angry, let alone Mrs. Li.”

“Yingying, wrong, it was wrong at the beginning. We can’t climb the high branch. You don’t have such a big face to let Mrs. Li know, but I still like you. Ye Zhifan also told me that we let her out so big. She won’t let go of them.”

“Come back, don’t fight, go back to the South Province, the two girls change places to start again.” As Sun Dongqing’s crying voice gradually fell, Sun Ying did not quarrel, completely quiet down, like a clay figurine Sitting.

Did she break her own path? Forcing her mother to divorce her father, she thought that Mrs. Li would always like her, and she said that she had to surname “Sun”. She broke her last path and broke her own path! !

No, everything is gone.

She became Sun Ying, no longer Ye Ying.

The father who protects her and regards her as the jewel of the palm of her hand does not want her. From the beginning of her own name to “sun”, she is no longer his daughter.

No one can save her anymore, she can protect her…

How could this be?

How could this be?



I don’t understand, she really didn’t understand, obviously she was the best, and in the end she fell into a betrayal.

I don’t want to understand that everything is so beautiful, how did she fall into this way?

Mom said that we are all wrong? Are you really wrong?

What is wrong?

She doesn’t want a wild species to ride on her head. Is it wrong?

She wants to get rid of an opponent who blocks her future. Is it wrong?

She wants to be a person, to be a person who is envied by everyone, is it wrong?

These are the parents who taught her. From an early age, she taught her how to get everything she wants, how to destroy what she wants, but she can’t get.

Why is she wrong?

Why is she wrong?

Ah, ah! ! Why is she wrong?

Unexpectedly, Sun Yingyi, who suddenly screamed and screamed, dropped his mobile phone, and his head slammed into the toilet door of the train.

She can’t figure it out, can’t figure it out!

Why did Ye Jian win in the end, why did she win!

A wild, cowardly, ugly, fatherless and wild-free wild species wins? She can’t figure out why, let a monk who he never looked down on won himself!

Outside the guards who escorted her back to the South Province, they heard the movement, no longer hesitated, and opened the toilet door with one foot. They first subdued the self-mutilated Sun Ying, and immediately informed the colleague to pick up and drop the battery. Phone.

Where did the phone come from? How does she have a cell phone?

good night.

(End of this chapter)

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