Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 2231 - I seem to have a grandfather.

Chapter 2231, I seem to have a grandfather.

The old gentleman was tall and handsome when he was young. When he was in the South, he was very attractive when he went to the South. Even if he later studied in the West, his tall and handsome physique, the scholarly temperament of his book made his charm unabated.

Now that he is old, his figure is no longer tall, but the temperament of the old gentleman has precipitated decades of ups and downs, even if the face is deep and wrinkled, and there are dark brown age spots, the calm and unrelenting temperament directly wins the two young people around. Men.

Standing on the steps, if you have experienced the vicissitudes of life, you are still tough and stand out in the world, and you are respected by the world.

In the eyes, the tears of the leaves were slightly pressed, and the heart was not taking the step closer to the old gentleman. When she was in the car, she still suspected that she might not be the granddaughter of the old gentleman, and then saw the old gentleman’s second. The familiarity of the blood vessels rushed into the soul, letting her believe in the moment… Li Lannian’s embarrassment is his father, and the old scientist who dedicated his life to the country is his grandfather.

It’s too difficult to get out of this step, and my feet can’t be lifted up half a step. She wants to go, but she is pacing.

“The old gentleman’s legs and feet are not very convenient, the little fox, almost past the old man back to the house.” Xia Jinyuan walked to her side, the voice is low and the light whispered, “The outside is cold and heavy, don’t let the old gentleman get cold.”

Ye Jane turned a little stunned and whispered like a dream: “The summer team, I seem to have a grandfather… I seem to have a grandfather, and I seem to have a close family.”

Seeing the moment of the old gentleman, Xia Jinyuan can be very sure that Ye Jian is indeed the granddaughter of the old gentleman. The two generations have a common temperament, one does not admit defeat, and does not bow down.

She was so eye-catching and her eyes were clear. At this time, she suddenly became like a child who could not find a home, and made Xia Jinyuan feel dull and painful.

His little fox, his lover has always been eager to have a home, so she regards Chen Shu and Gen’s uncle as their own dear, and they have a home belonging to the little fox.

Now, with Mr. Fu Lao, the little fox has added another “home” since then.

Holding her hand, Xia Jinyuan’s voice is low and steady: “Follow your own feelings, don’t be afraid, don’t be confused, believe in your feelings.”

The old gentleman did not urge, the sight from the sight of Ye Jian, the old gentleman who had never left before stood on the steps only nine steps away from Ye Jian, looking at the kind and gentle look, quietly waiting for Ye Jian Come over.

He is inconvenient in his legs and feet, and he can only wait for the child to come by himself.

Do… Although he does not know the name of the child, I don’t know where the child came from, but I already know that this child is the child of Fu’s family, the child of Fu’s family.

Just look at him and he knows that this child is the child of Fu family.

“Don’t be restrained, come over and let Grandpa have a good look.” The old gentleman said kindly, not anxious, not anxious, his good grandson has already found his granddaughter, not anxious, no hurry, he will Standing here quietly waiting for her to go home.

His good grandson…recovering his granddaughter…It’s so good…well…

No strangeness, no sense of alienation, he stood there, letting Ye Jian feel that he was actually growing up beside the old gentleman.

Every time she travels, the old gentleman will take her to the cane with her cane. Every time she goes home, she will stand on the nine steps with her cane and wait for her to go home.

(End of this chapter)

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