Chapter 2271 Crisis Awareness

Mrs. Qin’s voice said that it was a bit high. Qin Xiu had to lean sideways and continued to listen to Mrs. Qin’s insidious anger: “Busy is not even time to solve personal events, when parents are I have opinions. I have an appointment today, you see, I have to go to sin.”

After reminding, Qin Xiu remembered what he had agreed to inadvertently last night.

He didn’t like this arrangement. The business trip just happened to make him feel good. He heard Mrs. Qin complain, Qin Xiu smiled and said, “Let you worry about it. You can help me apologize today. What happened suddenly, I Obey the arrangement.”

“You didn’t sleep well last night. I heard you open the door several times and go downstairs. Now it’s okay, you will make up for it when you sleep again.”

My son is considerate, and Mrs. Qin’s face is a little bit ridiculous. “It’s become, it’s done, I know that I care about me after I’ve been worried about it, and I’m going to solve my life’s affairs. Mom, thank God.”

Qin Xiu is only 27 years old this year, and Xia Jinyuan and Li Xiaonian are the same age, but the Qin family are married and have children before the age of 30. Seeing that Qin Xiu is coming to the end, Mrs. Qin is somewhat worried.

Also said a few words with Mrs. Qin, Qin Xiu only hang up the phone.

Looking at the side, I saw Ye Jian holding a small silver-white mobile phone. The slender and slender fingers were flying fast. I don’t know who she was chatting with. She was soft and smiling, and she was delicate and gentle like a stream. The flowers in the side are beautiful and suffocating.

Ye Jianzheng chats with Xia Jinyuan, the mobile phone has to wait until the airport, she has to tell the Xia team.

Xia Jinyuan, who received the newsletter, answered very seriously and told her “everything is careful. If there is any urgent matter, please contact J5 at any time.”

Although Commander Xia did not tell him in detail, J5 mentioned that he went to the country. Xia Jinyuan only guessed it a little and knew that J5 and Ye Jian were all the way.

Seeing his answer, Ye Jianlian had a soft smile in the cool bottom of the scorpion. When he gave back a “good” word, he turned off the phone.

The airport is already in front, and the mobile phone should be handed over.

Qin Xiu is still soft because of her eyes… My heart is slightly sinking. Who is Ye Jian who is chatting with me?


Not like it.

Loved ones?

Not like it.

Unlike classmates, unlike family members, they are like chatting with the closest people.

Suddenly, Qin Xiu realized a problem. He only thought about how to get close to Ye Jian and slowly chased her, but forgot that the girl like Ye Jian is so good… already has a boyfriend!

Aware of this possible problem, Qin Xiu, who is getting darker and darker, has a little bit of a corner.

He is too careless and too confident!

Qin Xiu, who is aware of his own problems, is relieved, but he can find out that it is not too late!

Didn’t ask Ye Jian who to chat with, see her mobile phone shutdown Qin Xiu only laughed: “After the border, the mobile phone will be handed over to the custody, and there will be a safe letter to the family.” Shaking his mobile phone, he smiled helplessly Dao: “It’s a little anxious to come out from home. I didn’t say hello to my parents. No, I’ve come over and asked what’s going on. You’re also anxious. Go there and remember to report a peace.”

Qin Xiu is indeed a man with a gentlemanly demeanor. From the details, he can see his meticulousness. It is a quiet, delicate and meticulous detail.

With him reminding Ye that it is easy to know that the mobile phone will not be turned over temporarily, it is also possible to report the peace below.

(End of this chapter)

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